Another Week in the Life of a GRITer

We don’t always do homestays during GRIT, but this year we had some Japanese friends who wanted to show the students what Japanese living is like. Most of the team went two by two, but one had to go alone…and to a family who spoke very little Japanese. Good thing she studied Japanese before she got here!

Josh and Amanda with their homestay hostess

Josh and Amanda with their homestay hostess

Dixie and Cassy with their homestay family

Dixie and Cassy with their homestay family

Unfortunately, I forgot to get a picture of Amanda's hostess, so I took this cute picture instead!

Unfortunately, I forgot to get a picture of Amanda’s hostess, so I took this cute picture instead!























Directly after the homestays, the group put on a concert at the same tearoom our family sang at last month. The small restaurant was full of people, and we all stayed to mingle afterward to allow the Japanese people time to try out their English. The kids did a great job, and had been busily practicing for this event for four weeks. Whew! Glad that’s over!

Concert picture

Concert picture

Concert picture

Concert picture















Of course, we can’t have GRIT without daily time spent with God and daily exercise!

I was caught in the act of taking embarrassing pictures during exercise!

I was caught in the act of taking embarrassing pictures during exercise!

This week, one GRITer returned home as scheduled, and today the group is at the airport to pick up the final GRITer of the summer.





It is currently considered rainy season in Japan, even though this year has seen very little rain. However, one of the best parts of rainy season is that it ushers in beautiful hydrangeas! God is the Master Artist, isn’t He?



The GRIT team continues to learn and grow, and we (the leaders) are not exempt from it either! I’m so grateful that God isn’t finished with us yet! We all have so much to learn and change to be like Jesus Christ. His promise is such a comfort, knowing that the work He began in us will be completed one day.


This week, the group heads south two hours to help fellow missionaries and another ABWE work in areas such as English classes and the singles ministry. Pray that God will use them in Aira Town.

Again, thank you for your prayers. We need them so much.

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About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

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