Spring is definitely here! Today (April 2), we had temperatures in the upper 70’s. Our family has been in the process of planting our garden…as well as spiritual seeds where we can. Today, the kids, Amanda, and I were able to spend time with our friend Ritsuko.
We are also springing ahead (slowly) in the progress being made on the barn addition.
Tango Gomez, who attends our Bible study regularly, came to do a homestay with our family for almost a week. He probably found our American ways to be a little strange, but he did his best to use English and do as we did. That included getting his hands dirty!
However, we didn’t do only work! We visited the petting zoo nearby to feed the kangaroos and other critters.
Amanda has a little time off since this is the Spring Break between school years for the Japanese school system. The new grades begin in April, so she will begin working at the int’l preschool on April 6th. Keep her in your prayers. This is a new adventure for her! She is also making new friends and hopes to be a witness to them. Two of them are planning to come to our morning Bible study tomorrow!