Praise God, our entire family was able to find plane tickets to the USA a few weeks ahead of schedule. Our furlough was set to start on December 13, but God had other plans. My father unexpectedly went to heaven on November 27, so we pushed up the pace and left Japan on November 29 instead. We were able to be with my family, attend the visitation and the funeral, and be here for my mom. Please keep my family in your prayers, especially my mom as she figures out all the details involved with this adjustment.
On a lighter note, my father was a believer, so we know we’ll see him again one day! He wrote a poem, which we handed out at his funeral. (See below.) We’re praying to see fruit from the legacy he left behind. He knew so many people! He loved jokes and puns, and I thought of a good one! He arrived at the church in a hearse, and then they took him to the cemetery in it, too. I told his pastor that my dad was having a “rehearsal.” I thought my dad would like that one!
With my dad suddenly “missing” in our lives, I have been thinking more about life and what God expects from me. I’ve come to the realization that my father’s course is finished. His race is run. But for those of us still living, our course is yet to be completed! We still have today to live for God’s glory, fulfilling the purpose He has for each one of us. This has been a good reminder to me to make the best use of the time I have left on this earth. Our times are in His hands!
“My Song”
by Allen P. Strutz
(May 8, 1943 – November 27, 2017)
A sinner, a sinner, a lowly lonely sinner, That’s what I used to be.
I pondered, I wandered, I walked around forever, Not knowing what there was meant for me.
Until I met this man of wisdom and age, Who talked with discernment and courage.
I listened, I listened, wanting to hear some more Of the gospel which I never had heard before.
The Bible, the Bible, God’s book of Holy Word, He opened and showed to me the way.
He showed me, he taught me, of Jesus Christ our Lord, His love and compassion to obey.
Who came down to die on the cross for me, yes me, To shed His blood to set me free.
I accepted, I asked Him, to come into my heart and save me, In my life He will always be.
A believer, a believer, a happy uplifted believer, That’s what I now can be named.
I’ll follow, I’ll follow, I’ll follow Him forever, Knowing now that I am forever saved.
To do what that man of age did for me, Showing others the truth and the way.
A servant, a servant, one of God’s I’ll be, Until the day He calls for me.
I’m so sorry that I did not see this sooner. I am sorry for your loss, Susan and family.