I’m nearing the mid-century mark, and I still need someone to disciple me. We typically think of “being discipled” as an event in a new Christian’s life, but I’m beginning to realize that we all need it at every age!
I’ve rediscovered the wonderful letter to the Corinthians. Even just the first 6 chapters of 1 Corinthians have so much in it to chew on, digest, and live out in everyday life! Paul told the believers that they’d had “countless guides in Christ” but not many fathers (4:15). I understand that to mean that Paul “fathered” their faith — he was the one to lead them to a saving knowledge of Christ. But others had come along after that to guide them into greater knowledge and understanding, as well as increased obedience and personal application.
I’m here to say I am thankful for my husband’s discipling influence in my life. This past week, I was thinking deeply about my life, particularly in how I “do ministry” with my personality. It’s a spot where some could grow discouraged (when we compare ourselves to others), become apathetic, or even give up. But he pointed out some biblical truths to me in my specific situation and filled in the blanks I had been staring at. As he spoke to me, it felt like refreshing water filling all my thirsty spots. It was wonderful! He helped me make sense of my life, clarify my purpose, and refocus on what God expects from me in this stage of my life.
So, no matter how many birthdays we’ve had, I hope we can all find those people to speak truth to us in specific areas of our lives and ministry. On the flip side, we can BE that voice to those Christians around us, too. When someone asks why your kids are so well-behaved, it’s a chance to disciple. When a friend unloads her problem to you, is there something you could share from God’s Word that speaks to her need? To help her see reality more clearly?
As Norman likes to say in illustration, as disciplers, we are reaching forward toward Christlikeness ourselves, but at the same time, we’re reaching out to those alongside us or behind us and inviting them to grow right along with us. We should continue growing and learning until God takes us home to be with Him.
Join me on the journey to truly learn Christ!