Using Art for God’s Glory

Sometimes it’s a stretch to see how God can use a particular talent. For years, Norman has enjoyed painting, creating, and craftsmanship. He had a hard time seeing how he could use that to meet or interact with people. But he finally found a way.

This past week (Sept. 11-16) he took part in an art event with about ten other artists, exhibiting and selling their wares. Norman was busy these past months making hand-made instruments such as cigar-box guitars, ukeleles, and the little-known diddleybow (a one-stringed instrument). He also made a new collection of spray-paint art depicting the universe, calling it the “Creation Sings” collection.

Through this event, he was able to meet many new people, hand out invitations to our Sunday night Bible study, and strengthen existing relationship with his artist friends. Several of the new contacts have shown interest in the Bible study. Please pray that they will attend soon. Others seem interested in our family, so maybe these relationships can continue past this event.

Norman is understandably tired after being gone from home the past week, coming home only to collapse into bed. But reflecting God’s own creativity has been a highlight for him and hopefully a witness to others.

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About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

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