Counting Down

Happy Valentine’s Day! Some people may count down to this holiday, but our family is counting down to another event… which is pretty major in our lives right now! If you receive our prayer letter, you already heard our big news — that we are planning to return to America for an indefinite amount of time in order to live with my mother in Wisconsin. She’s at the age where she could use some help, companionship, and extra care.

So, we are packing up our home, choosing what to take, what to toss, and what to give away. Not only our home, but also the coffee shop in Minami Aso. Coronavirus effected this work immensely, and we were unable to continue this outreach and ministry in this location. Today, Melodie, Norman, and I went to the building, filling bags with garbage, setting aside things that are still “good,” and waiting for the movers to transport the piano to its new home.

What will be Norman’s next step as we return to the States for the foreseeable future? He’s still figuring that out! There are several options that we’re considering. He plans to continue his call to being a disciple-maker regardless of his location. That hasn’t changed. The details are still to be arranged, and we’re confident that God knows what they are!

So, this Valentine’s Day means we have exactly two weeks left in Japan. Chloe and Cameron will stay in Japan until June, but Norman, Melodie, and I (with our two dogs!) will fly to America on March first, God willing.

We are thankful for the encouragement we have received from many of you, telling us of your own experiences with aging parents, how God has blessed, and how He has worked in and through that special time. We look forward to learning, growing, and loving more and more. Please keep us in your prayers during this big transition for our family. Thank you!

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About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

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