Five Keys to Happiness

from Psalm 84 (CSB)

There are five ways to be happy in this psalm! The life of a caregiver doesn’t lend itself to happiness, necessarily. It can be described in many less-than-desirable terms! But here we see God’s advice on how to be happy, no matter what.

1. “How happy are those who reside in your house.” (Ps. 84:4a)

Relishing in God’s nearness every day is possible for everyone! In the time of the psalm-writer, “God’s house” was probably the Temple, the place where God’s glory and “presence” was signified. But since the Messiah came, everything changed. Now God makes His dwelling inside His family of believers. My body is His Temple now! He is always with me. His Holy Spirit indwells me and never leaves me. Focusing on the truth of God’s ever-present nearness should bring me much joy and happiness. He sees what I’m facing today. He knows how I’m feeling. He understands my frustrations and challenges, as well as my sinful tendencies and responses. He is ready to forgive and cleanse me from my poor reactions whenever I confess my failings to Him.

2. “How happy are those who praise you continually.” (Ps. 84:4b)

This sounds so easy! Yet I am so ready to be negative and critical, to focus on all the challenges instead of my Savior’s beautiful face. My elderly parent is not like she used to be. She’s changed and is changing to be less capable than I remember. I need to learn to interact with her differently than I have for decades. Yet how my attitude changes when I focus on God and what He’s doing! There are so may things to be grateful for if I’ll only think on them. God brings little blessings every single day. If I’m not looking, I may miss them! An encouraging text from a friend, saying she’s praying for me; a Bible verse that lifts my focus to the Lord; a hug from an elderly woman with dementia; being able to encourage someone else; a bright sunny day; a beautiful snowfall; safety in a near-accident; a good health report; a reminder of all God has done to save me from my sins and restore a relationship with Him – there are so many reasons to praise God every day!

3. “Happy are the people whose strength is in you.” (Ps. 84:5a)

The longer I care for my elderly mother, the more I see how weak my own strength is! My capacity to endure has its limits, but God’s strength never ends. He may choose to give me the endurance to face life, or He may bring someone else alongside me to help out at just the right time. I can’t do it all on my own. I must be walking closely with the Lord every day, finding my strength in Him. Then I can happily serve others over and over again.

4. “Happy are the people whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” (Ps. 84:5b)

The life is not the end goal. I’m on a journey to eternal life! One day, all the troubles of this world will be over. My trials and suffering are temporary. What a blessing to remember! Whatever ailment, struggle, worry, or fear I have now, it will not bother me one iota in eternity! This verse reminds me of those faithful saints in Hebrews 11:13-16, who persevered, seeing the promised kingdom through eyes of faith. They realized they were “foreigners and temporary residents on the earth” (v. 13). Caring for an elderly person can seem like a life-long commitment. We don’t know when the end of that journey will come. But it won’t last for eternity!

5. “Happy is the person who trusts in you, LORD of Armies!” (Ps. 84:12)

So much in life comes down to trust. Who will I believe? Who can I truly depend on? If I rely on popular wisdom, I won’t be trusting in the Lord. He will always guide me in His right path, the path toward blessing, peace, and true joy. I want to put all my eggs in His basket, trusting that the outcome He promises will come to pass. When I trust in the Lord, I can release my fears and anxieties and simply rest in His care for me.

I don’t know where you are in your journey of faith or what you’re struggling with today. But God has made it possible for His children to be happy despite great odds. Let’s face this day with His promises from Psalm 84, happy in His presence, with hearts full of His praise, bolstered by His strength, remembering this life is short, and trusting in the LORD of Lords!

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About Susan

Norman and Susan have lived in Japan since 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. Their desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto.

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