God’s Timing

God continues to point out His perfect timing in directing Norman and me back to the States for this season. I see so many blessings in this chapter of our lives. Here are a few:

  1. When Mom fell just 6 months after we arrived, I was in place with CNA training.
  2. Norman and I are in the same time zone as all three of our kids who are now in college. We were here to help them move into the dorms. We can help them better from here, should the need rise.
  3. Norman and I have been able to figure out some of our own health situations, with doctors we can understand perfectly.
  4. I needed a break from the cultural stress of living in Japan. I didn’t fully realize this until I was back here for a time. Being part of a bigger, functioning church family has been extremely refreshing. Being able to do ministry and see tangible fruit more quickly is also encouraging.
  5. We are learning different kinds of spiritual lessons in this time.
  6. I was here to help Mom through some new health concerns. The past two weeks have been busy with doctor appointments, checkups, and a medical procedure.
  7. We have been able to attend various family events — graduations, bridal and baby showers, and weddings.

Those are a lot of the “Pro’s” of being in the States. My main “Con” is my intense desire to be there for Japanese Christians and missionaries. Japan is so lonely and difficult as a member of God’s family. It’s hard to even describe how different it is. In Wisconsin, I have so many opportunities to see Christians every week. Sunday morning, evening, Wednesday night, ladies’ Bible study twice a month, texts from believers with a verse/prayer request/note of encouragement, being ministered to at church (not having to do the bulk of everything). On top of that, there are radio programs playing Christian music and airing sermons, Bible verses, and a Christian perspective. Billboards declare Bible truths. Anywhere I go, I could potentially meet a fellow believer and feel at home in minutes.

In Japan, however, most believers don’t have one other fellow Christian at their job or school. Maybe not in their entire town. They may meet once a week for a church service, and some may have a mid-week service. Some do have smaller Bible studies for women. The culture of Japan squashes those who are different from the traditional model. They put pressure on them to conform to the group. I’m kind of a group-culture ignoramous, but even I could feel this pressure. Please pray for the Christians in Japan. I’m happy to share that ABWE has 17 new missionaries on the pathway to Japan! They are preparing to go as soon as funding is established. Pray for them, too.

God’s timing. His plan is perfect. Why is it so difficult to see a nation-wide turning to Jesus as Savior? What is God’s plan involving Japan? I don’t know. But I trust that, just as God’s timing was perfect in sending me to Wisconsin, He is perfect in arranging everything regarding Japanese people as well. One day it will make more sense to me. In the meantime, I will serve my Lord here for His glory and trust Him to meet the needs of Christians around the world.

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About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

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