Still Settling In

Many people must be praying for the Smith family, because we’ve been seeing God’s blessings on every hand! God is so good to His children! The past couple weeks have been super busy! Norman has had numerous video calls with EveryEthne, his new ministry within ABWE. We are thankful to have this decision finalized! So much was up in the air, as we waited on God to show us next steps. Thankfully, nothing is ever “up in the air” with God. He knows the end from the beginning!

Eileen & Susan

My mom and I have been getting along famously! We have worked up a bit of a schedule to accomplish certain goals, including decluttering the house, exercising, working on writing projects, and serving others around us. I’m so grateful for this time to spend with my mother! She is still such a godly example to me!

Please continue to pray for our family in the coming weeks. Norman will be returning briefly to Japan to sell our house and return with our oldest two kids. We look forward to seeing them again! Thanks so much for your prayers on our behalf.

Melodie continues with homeschool subjects as she completes her junior year of high school. Grandma has been teaching her to swim. Melodie and Norman participated in a fundraising event for Camp Fairwood. They each biked 35 miles and brought in over $1,000 of donations!

Our summer plans include these: Susan hopes to begin CNA training in June. Norman has taken some additional training this spring, and he will attend a conference or two this summer. He will fly back to Japan in late May, finishing up last details there and accompanying Chloe and Cameron back to the States. Chloe has plans to tour the Midwest and Alabama, singing her original songs at churches and home concerts. If anyone is interested in having her come, please contact her at Cameron will join her to provide accompaniment, except during early July when he takes a mission trip to Bolivia. Please keep these two in your prayers this summer!

Thank you for each of you who have been praying! We have been able to locate and purchase several used cars in anticipation of our children coming to the US for college and for our use. Norman’s new ministry role will include quite a bit of travel, so this is an important step.

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About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

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