
These are the days of many new Beginnings. Norman is beginning a new ministry to churches in the Midwest, as well as to (or with) area pastors. Susan has begun training to learn the skills of a nursing assistant. Chloe is beginning her first music tour. Cameron is beginning his first music tour (with Chloe!) and embarking on his first mission trip. Melodie is a beginner driver (just obtained her driver’s permit). So much change is occurring in our family this month! Wow!

Norman has had some refreshing times, meeting with pastor friends. His desire is to help each one grow in Christ, to welcome them to help him on his own journey of spiritual growth and development, and to be a mentor to the younger men.

I (Susan) am a college student again! Well, at least for one class! I was pretty freaked out over my first exam last week. Having to complete it at home on my computer added to my stress. But it turned out okay! What I’m learning in class is immediately helpful and very practical as I anticipate needing some of these skills in the future with my mom. Learning about older people also causes me to think about my own aging process! I’m learning that age is only a number. Until God calls us home, He has a purpose for us here. I want to embrace that no matter what my physical condition.

Susan in her scrubs for class
Susan in her scrubs for class

Chloe and Cameron have their first concert tonight (6/25/23) in Adams, WI. They have around ten concerts lined up so far. Chloe seems a little nervous about this new adventure, especially traveling across the country, driving on the right side of the road! (She learned to drive in Japan — on the left side.)

Cameron is slightly nervous, too. He found out he will not be meeting up with the rest of his missions trip group until the end of the flight schedule. He leaves for Bolivia on July 6th and will return the 15th. We are praying that God will use this medical missions trip to clarify some things for his future work and ministry. He plans to take EMT training next spring.

Melodie just completed an online training course relating to driver’s ed. We are planning to begin letting her drive around a parking lot this coming week! Look out, Wisconsites! Here she comes!

Our family is still waiting to settle into our new living space. We have rented a huge room next door to Mom’s to be able to spread out, enjoy our dogs, and have room for Norman’s office, a recording studio (for Norman’s podcasts, mainly), and a place for kids to study. The landlord tells us renovations are almost completed.

Perhaps you are facing new beginnings, too. May we all keep the faith in the midst of uncertain times when patience is needed. It’s such a comfort to know that God knows the end from the beginning! Nothing takes Him by surprise. Our job is simply to follow Him in faith, leaning on His wisdom, not our own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6). Step by step, He walks together with us on this journey called Life.

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About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

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