About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

Fun in America!

Eating a DQ blizzard! Mmm!

Eating a DQ blizzard! Mmm!

There are many new tastes and experiences to be found in the grand land of the United States of America! The kids all enjoyed their ice cream, but they found a mini-sized one would have been sufficient for their needs. Well, Cameron didn’t agree with his sisters. He finished off a medium-sized one. However, he wasn’t very hungry for supper!

Packed into the car!

Packed into the car!

It seems that the longer we travel, the more we accumulate! We are riding around in a Chevy Tahoe, but, as you can see, we can barely squeeze everything into it! Thankfully, we only have to cram it all in every so often!

Cool store!

Cool store!

Whenever we have some free time during our travels, we find crazy sights to experience. At this tourist trap, the kids found cool hats and masks. They had to try some on! They have had some money to spend, and they continue finding little purchases along the way. (And I wonder why the car is so packed!) They have been very careful not to buy large or heavy items, since whatever they buy, they’ll have to carry back to Japan themselves!

Time to Uproot Once More (Musings)

As part of our three-month furlough, we have spent approximately one month in Alabama, and we are currently finishing up our second month in Iowa. Time is flying by very quickly! Tomorrow we head north to Wisconsin for our last month of furlough. We packed up the car today. It was much easier packing this time, since everything we have here goes with us. When we left Alabama, however, we had to sort before packing. That required a lot more brain power.

As I anticipate leaving this oasis spot, I realize what a blessing it is to be able to have roots. To be able to settle down and stay in one location is something I tend to take for granted. Being able to see the same people each Sunday is also a blessing… not that I don’t enjoy visiting with the wonderful people who pray for our family at the many churches we visit in the States. But there is something to be said for sameness and familiarity.

After saying that, I will backtrack to mention how much I enjoyed visiting our sending church, CrossRoad Baptist Church in Ames, IA. What a joy to see people I’ve known for over twenty years! The large number of international students reminded me of how much I love ministering to these transient, open people in need of friendship and a helping hand leading them to our Savior. Pastor Will Hatfield spoke on our identity, and part of my identity is found in my connection to this group of Christians. I’m so thankful for their influence in my life.

Hello, Iowa!

The land of corn, soybeans, and wind power!

The land of corn, soybeans, and wind power!

We began our trek in America in Alabama. We were there most of the month of July. Then came the long trip to Iowa. After getting chased out of Creston by tornadoes, our family spent a quiet time at a cabin in western Iowa while visiting with friends in the area.

The next stop was Brayton, where we met this little fellow whom we chased out of church. Talk about bats in the belfry!

This bat was traumatized after we captured it in an ice cream bucket and put outside. He sat there gathering his wits for quite a while.

This bat was traumatized after we captured it in an ice cream bucket and put him outside. He sat there gathering his wits for quite a while.

We were excited about traveling the couple hours to Story City, where we could unpack our suitcases for two weeks, but it took us longer than we dreamed.

Getting towed near Boone

Getting towed near Boone

Our water pump broke down, which caused all sorts of horrid problems. As I write this, it is still in the shop getting repaired. We hope it will be done by next week. Thankfully, friends have been visiting us here (We did finally make it to Story City!), and we can borrow a car from them if need be. All in all, God was very good to us. We counted the reasons to be thankful, as we waited for the wrecker to come.

I’ll have to say, Iowa has been a real adventure. What could possibly be next?

America, Here We Come!

Packed and ready!

Packed and ready!

On July 1, after making final preparations at our house, we locked things up, hopped in the car with our friend Mr. Shimazu, and rode to the bus stop.

With only minutes to spare, we boarded the bus to the Fukuoka airport. We flew to Seoul, Korea, at 9:30 p.m., arriving at 10:30 p.m.

There was a bit of a snafu at the Seoul airport, trying to locate the shuttle bus to the hotel we had reserved. But finally we found the loading area, the hotel, and a talkative Korean who could speak English and tell us where to go. We had a short night in the hotel since we had to leave the next morning at 5:30, but the accommodations were very nice.

On the shuttle bus in Korea

On the shuttle bus in Korea

We got on our flight with little trouble, and soon we were flying over the Pacific! Some 14 hours later, we landed in Atlanta, GA, where Norman’s parents were waiting. Then came the 4 hour car ride to their home in Alabama. The two youngest kids didn’t sleep the entire trip, until maybe in the car.

We are grateful to the Lord for giving us traveling mercies and a safe trip.

Playing ukelele in the Korean airport

Playing ukelele in the Fukuoka airport
Killing time in the Korean airport

Killing time in the Korean airport







The Smith family  -- America, ready or not, here we come!

The Smith family — America, ready or not, here we come!

New Bible Study Begun

After sending out 5,000 fliers in the Kumanichi Newspaper, we opened our doors at Michishirube to have our first Sunday morning Bible study in Kikuchi City. One dear woman saw the flier and attended. We continue to meet there each Sunday morning, and each Sunday afternoon, we meet in Kumamoto City. Our lives have gotten busier with the new additions we’ve seen lately, but we praise God for good health and the strength to keep up with things for now!

There are two things we could really use. First, we desperately need your prayers. The devil is alive and well here in Japan. Recently, two missionaries have left the field. Problems are springing up in relationships here and there. I can see how the evil one could use this to his advantage to keep people from coming to the Savior. Pray that God will protect the seedlings of faith that have been gently planted and watered.

The second thing we really could use is more workers. Have you noticed we mention that a lot? It’s because it’s true! There is so much more we could do if there were three or four more of us! Japan could use even more than 3 or 4, but that would be a start to help us out.

Thank you for your prayers and interest in missions in Japan. Encourage those around you to consider working for God here.

Now Open!


Welcome to Michishirube, our new storefront building! Michishirube means guidepost or road sign. Our desire is to guide people toward Jesus Christ. This building will be used in a variety of ways. In March, we have two weeks of showing and selling Mr. Uemura’s pottery. The last week of the month will be an art event including four artists’ work. Three concerts are on the schedule for upcoming weeks and months, including a gospel concert.
We are making a flier to put in the newspaper to advertise these events as well as a Bible study. Please pray for God to help us as we meet many new people through this venture!

Good Prospects

We are thrilled to be able to host Tom and Amy McVicker (and two of their four children), who are visiting Japan now and planning to be here as missionaries as soon as possible! Here for just over a week, they are meeting ABWE missionaries, visiting Japanese churches and churchplants, getting a feel for the culture and people, and doing whatever they can to be a help to the work here. We are spending time with English-speaking friends and acquaintances, through English groups we’re involved in, and Saturday will be a lunch for others who like English.

Today, Amy and I went to the local laundromat to attack the piles of laundry, and just as we were about to leave, a lady walked in and started talking. It could be we’ve met once before at this same location, but either way, she started the talk by asking if I am a teacher. I said yes, a teacher of the Bible. Her first thought was, “We’re all family.” She told me of a past experience with a religious teacher who met with her parents, mentioning Adam and Eve and a Creator God. Impressive! But she added that it was difficult to believe in Christianity. I gently disagreed by saying the message of Christmas was very easy to understand…that God sent His Son to earth because He loves us…and He loves her, too! She switched the topic after that, but she still seemed open to talk. In fact, she gave me her phone number and invited me over for lunch! There’s something about country folk…and God’s promptings. Please keep Mrs. F. in your prayers. I hope to take her up on her offer next week.

This interaction reminded me that we need to be ready to share our time and testimony with people at a moment’s notice. I certainly wasn’t expecting to meet someone new today or have a chance to speak of God’s amazing message to her. But God is at work all around us. I’m so glad to be a part of it!

The McVickers -- Please pray for God to send them quickly to Japan!

The McVickers — Please pray for God to send them quickly to Japan!

Smith Life in Pictures

Norman working on his art masterpieces

Norman working on his art masterpieces

Barbeque at our home with the artists

Barbeque at our home with the artists

Our barn's new roof (set on top of the old one!)

Our barn’s new roof (set on top of the old one!)

Taking apart the lean-to in order to make room for a GRIT cabin

Taking apart the lean-to in order to make room for a GRIT cabin

Our family ready for a concert!

Our family ready for a concert!

Cicada coming out of its shell

Cicada coming out of its shell

Japan has many beautiful flowers.

Japan has many beautiful flowers.

Tomato horn caterpillar (hornworm) found in our garden

Tomato horn caterpillar (hornworm) found in our garden

Our happy, growing children

Our happy, growing children

The Smith family - Summer 2014

The Smith family – Summer 2014

In Concert with God

Our family has been performing small concerts this month. God keeps giving us these opportunities. We are wondering how this might lead to something else in the future. Something bigger maybe.

On October 2, we had a family concert at the nursing home center. Maybe 25 folks were there, not counting staff. The former neighbor who set this gig up invited a few of his friends to attend, and afterward, one of them introduced himself and relayed that he is musical, too. It was an opening into his life in the future.

A bigger concert was held on Oct. 19, at the community center. This was at the same location and with the same staff people as when we did the canjo workshop about a year ago. They did all the advertising, and a good number of families with children attended, as well as four young Chinese women. We were able to meet new people, and afterward the one person in the audience who really seemed to enjoy our music asked if we did concerts by invitation. Yes, we do! He works as a sound man and has worked for major concert events. A good person to know!

We never know where this musical path will take us, or what people God will introduce us to, but we’re in for the adventure!

Now, we have the bigger concert yet, coming up on November 1st. Please keep us in your prayers! We always sing some gospel songs which we explain before singing. May God reach the lost in attendance!

A Busy Autumn Coming Up

It seems that God keeps dropping new opportunities into our laps! We had one concert lined up, but now we have a total of three in the works!

October 2 — Our family will do a concert at an area nursing home.
October 14 — Our family will do a concert at a community center.
November 1 — Our family, plus a couple friends, will be doing a charity concert at a cafe. The money will benefit a Christian-run farm in India, who provides food for the poor.

This week and into next, Norman is a part of a 12-artist exhibition at the Shimada Museum in downtown Kumamoto City. In addition to hand-made flutes and whistles, he is displaying paintings that include conversation pieces. Norman hopes to meet many new people, as well as be able to explain his paintings that have spiritual meaning behind them.

We are currently in the planning stages for building cabins for GRIT next summer. Depending on how the money holds out, we may build only one of the two we need. Last summer we had 6 participants in the summer program, but next summer we are opening it up to 12. We are also seeking helpers to drive the group around, help with meals and laundry, and possibly help in the teaching times. An older couple could do some of this. A seminary student or associate pastor could gain cross-cultural experience. It could be a great opportunity for anyone with a willing heart!

We are excited at the new prospect of being able to purchase land adjoining ours. Buying this land would make building cabins a whole lot easier and cheaper than trying to place them on our steep mountainside as we had been thinking. Nothing is settled yet, but we are waiting to see what God will do.

Homeschool is in full swing these days. We have multiplication facts flying around in our brains, learning how to take careful care of our teeth, relearning how to find the area of triangles, and searching for those elusive nouns and verbs.

We have chances to share things about God here and there. Sometimes it is in more detail than others. We really need more helpers here in Kumamoto to reach the 1,000’s of people. A family interested in serving in Japan will be visiting in November. Pray that God would send them quickly!

We are currently praying about beginning a new Bible study/work in our new area, Kikuchi. With about 35,000 people in the area, and no real church worth mentioning, it is a field ready for work! We are researching a place to meet and have found a place we could lease for 2 years in a great location right next to a McDonald’s. Pray with us to know God’s leading in this.