The Matter of Fruit

This year’s peach harvest

It’s great fun to be able to see fruit from your labor. We planted a peach tree about 5 years ago, and we are finally getting a taste of a reward.

Spiritual fruit can be longer in coming. I was thinking of the ministry here in Japan, and it seems that God brings certain individuals into our church group, one at a time. We pour into one lady for several months; then God brings one man who is interested in learning more about how to live for the Lord. We are learning the value of ONE. How worthwhile is it to reach just one person? Sometimes we wonder. Yet if you were the one to benefit, I think you’d agree that even one person counts!

Right now, we have a faithful lady who just began attending our Sunday morning Bible study. She listens closely to our study on Our Identity in Christ. She has questions, and her junior high son has some, too. There’s also a man who attends Norman’s discipleship group on Saturday mornings. He desires to grow in his faith and practice, and has been taking steps to lead his family toward Christ. We’ve seen growth in our son, Cameron, too. He has been meeting weekly with a friend, studying the Bible together. Cameron told us last week that he wants to be baptized. We are thrilled with what God is doing!

Galatians 6:9 encourages us “not to grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Perhaps, in our lifetime, we will never know what our harvest will look like. But God is keeping the record! Let’s keep on being obedient, doing good as we find opportunity, and loving God with all our hearts!

Where is God?

Some people search for God in nature. Others visit a shrine or temple or church building. Others look within themselves. But, according to God’s Word, when we accept Jesus, God’s only Son, as our Savior from sin, we become His child. He gives us His very own Spirit to live within us. Where is God? As a born again child of God, He lives within us! We don’t have to go someplace to find Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5).

Having Jesus as my Savior is a wonderful truth that radically changed my life. But recently I realized that I also need my Savior every day! Yes, I need Him to make my relationship with God the Father whole again. I need His forgiveness and righteousness. But that’s not all I need! That’s not all He offers.

I need a Savior when I’m frustrated with someone. I need a Savior when I’m hot, sticky, and irritable. I need a Savior when my day looks overwhelming and not fun. I need a Savior to guard my heart from sin, temptation, and accepting the world’s solutions. I need a Savior to give me peace, moment-by-moment grace, hope, purpose, and mercy. I need His wisdom, direction, solutions, and power.

Why do I need Him? If I want to become more like Christ, I cannot live in the way that comes naturally to me. I must live super-naturally, according to His path and purposes. For His glory, not mine. To be holy, not necessarily happy.

Let’s look to Jesus as our Savior every day!

(idea credit: How People Change, by Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp)