July Happenings

Two of our children had birthdays this month. Melodie turned 12 and Cameron turned 14. They are growing up! Keiko had a birthday, too. In fact, about half our church group have birthdays in July!

These two share a birthday!

Summer has certainly hit southern Kyushu. We’ve had temperatures in the high 90’s and even the 100’s. But God has been giving us grace to bear the heat and keeping shining for Him.

The men’s discipleship class continues to meet, as well as the women’s groups. Despite random typhoons blowing by, we were still able to meet.

We are still waiting on the Minami Aso building, but the contract has been approved by both parties and the bank has approved the financial end of things for the current owner. We hope to take possession of it perhaps even next week!

Melodie and Cameron went to the overnight Kids’ Camp this summer, Melodie as a camper, and Cameron has a helper. Cameron came home so tired, he went to bed at 8 p.m.! (The boy campers aren’t known for sleeping much at night!)

August is soon upon us, bringing the return of homeschool, our annual ABWE Japan retreat, a gathering of like-minded churches, and many other things. We appreciate your prayers on the work here.

As an interesting side note, we found a cicada that hadn’t molted yet. We attached it to our screen and watched the metamorphosis occur! This big cicada once was crammed into this tiny body!