
As of this writing, Tom & Amy McVicker and their two girls are still planning to travel to Japan. They have bought tickets for March 25 (arriving in Japan March 26). Please pray for smooth travels, and if it’s God’s will, they actually are able to leave the States, enter Japan, and arrive safely. Some of the interns are not being given permission from ABWE to travel because of COVID-19 concerns. Keep these young people in your prayers.

Amidst the many cancellations around us, we were still able to put on our Training Run Day, during which we expected eight people from the Kumamoto Running Club to join us. Fifteen showed up! It ended up being a cold, rainy day, but Norman had company during his 36 kilometer run. We are planning the next running day on April 18, and hope the weather is much nicer!

Though schools are canceled until some time in April (at present), life continues on mostly the same. City-owned places are shut (libraries, gyms, pools), but people are out and about. We have plenty of toilet paper back on the shelves, though face masks and hand sanitizer are still unavailable.

Norman reminded me that, since we Christians are prepared for eternity and unafraid to die, we should be the first to volunteer to help those who are sick with the virus. To live is Christ; to die is gain! That puts it all in perspective for me!

In other family news, Chloe is now a real author! With her father’s help, she has self-published her first book. She has others in different stages of writing, editing, second drafts, etc. Keep a look-out for more books on the way! (You can check this one out at Good job, Chloe!

Book name: Survivor

Quick Update

Here’s an update on the McVickers. They now have most of their O&P funds! They lack around $5,000 before they can buy plane tickets and hop the ocean to begin the Japan chapter of their lives! Keep them in your prayers as they make adjustments along the way. Pray especially for their two girls accompanying them. There will be lots of new things to encounter.

Also, Norman has organized a Training Run Day on Saturday, March 14, as a way to run 38 kilometers not just by himself! He and Cameron met some members of a running club nearby, and up to eight runners plan to attend the event! Pray for good weather, first of all. Then, pray for new relationships to begin. We look forward to making new acquaintances and letting our lights shine! (You can pray for Norman, too. That’s a long way to run in one day!)