Proverbs 12:12

Proverbs 12:12 says, “Whoever is wicked covets the spoil of evildoers, but the root of the righteous bears fruit.” (ESV)

My first thought upon reading this verse was in regards to the first half. I have known people who have coveted the wealth of others, no matter how it was obtained. If I’m being honest, I have done that, too.

It’s the second half of the verse that was a huge blessing to me, however. This verse is easy to skim over and not really notice. The word “root” stuck out to me. I don’t usually think of bearing fruit in relation to the ROOT of the plant. But then again I have planted potatoes before, so the fruit can definitely be found underground!

The thing that touches me is that when you look at a plant that has its fruit out of sight, you typically don’t recognize anything worthwhile happening for a long time. Sure, there’s a green sprout followed by a growing stem and leaves. Eventually, along comes a few flowers. But nothing worthy of harvesting is seen.

Until the very end.

What a comfort! Even though I can be growing, look healthy on the outside, and keep being faithful where I’m planted, it could be that my fruit will not be seen until the very end of my life cycle. But then there will be a harvest! As a missionary in Japan, many times we work, we plow, we plant, water, weed, and spray….but it looks to us as if nothing is happening. Then, voila! The harvest time comes, and instead of the little we planted, we reap a bountiful multiplication of return.

Let’s keep being faithful to what God has called us, believing that one day we will see a harvest for His glory!

“Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 ESV)

What is “Susan’s Armchair”?

Hello, and welcome to a window into my spiritual world!

My husband (who is also my pastor) continually urges his listeners to pass on what God teaches us. When I read the Bible, I don’t merely read it for myself — for my own benefit, though it does benefit me. I also should read it, keeping in mind how I can share it with whoever crosses my path that day or week.

So, as God brings truths and applications to my thoughts and study, I hope to post them in this space in hopes that you can be encouraged, challenged, and blessed along with me. I welcome any comments. Most likely, you will see a passage in a different light than I do. That’s the beauty of the Body of Christ. We each bring something to the table.

Let’s study God’s Word!


Mid-Furlough Update

What is it like to be a family on furlough in February? 🙂 Let me give you a glimpse of what our lives are like now.

** Tuesday through Friday, we maintain homeschool hours, roughly 8 a.m. until lunch. Time after that may be used to visit the library, get groceries, go to the laundromat twice a week, and enjoy “date” time one-on-one with people in our household.

** On Saturdays, we pack up what we need for the weekend. We may stay one night or two, depending on service times, distance from our home in Waverly, IA, and schedules.

** Sundays involve participating in 1-3 services at any given supporting church. Norman has taught adult Sunday school, preached in the morning service and then again in a later service. Other times, we may have just one service. Our family has provided special music most weeks, with Chloe on the banjo and Cameron on the ukulele. I do piano solos on occasion.

** Mondays are our recovery day. We usually feel like we’ve been run over by a semi by this time, so even if we make it home on Sunday night, we still take a break on Mondays from school.

As a side note, Melodie and Norman have been digging into photography, learning new tricks of the trade, trying out new techniques, and taking lots of shots of snow, Canada geese, ducks, and squirrels. They even captured photos of bald eagles!

Cameron has been teaching his grandma new chords on the ukulele. (They both play.) He’s also filling his sketch pad with drawings. Chess is a learning process now, too.

Chloe has been writing more stories. Finishing the first draft of her first novella recently has inspired her to keep on writing!

Norman’s new book, What Do I Do Now? A Process for Making God-Honoring Decisions, has just been completed, and our first copy arrived this week. (You can buy it on Amazon!)

That’s our typical week in a nutshell! We get to visit lots of thriving churches across the Midwest, making new friends and becoming reacquainted with old ones. It’s an adventure!