A Morning’s Adventure

Our son Cameron has this new venture of taking shelter dogs home and training them to walk on a leash, to respond to a human’s commands, and, in some cases, to allow them to be petted by a human. A month ago, Cameron took in two dogs for the first time. Today, he and his dad planned to return them to the shelter, in hopes the dogs will be more adoptable now.

But. . . .

About two hours before they were to return them, Cameron and Melodie took the two dogs out for a walk together. Somehow, Kay (the dog pictured above) got loose and ran for the hills. Her leash was still attached, but, being out in the country as we are, she took off into the tall weeds and disappeared into the woods. Melodie returned to the house in tears, and I joined in the effort to try to find the dog.

As I walked behind them, I started talking to God, realizing that maybe this happened to build the faith of my kids. I said to God, “Lord, just as You helped the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, You are the God of the Impossible. Though this situation seems impossible to me, this is the kind of time that You like to use to bring Yourself glory. Please help us locate this dog. Nothing is impossible for you.”

We brought the other dog, hoping he could help sniff out his friend, but the underbrush was so thick, his leash was getting tangled up too much. Cameron spied a bit of a trail through the weeds, and he followed it for a way without coming across Kay. Not knowing what to do, Cameron remembered how he was able to see better through corn fields when he squatted down. He tried it, but he saw nothing. But hunching there for a few minutes, he was able to hear some thrashing a few yards away. Swaying bushes alerted him to the right area, but Kay was down a steep valley from him. Together, we found a way down to her, and then I heard these wonderful words: “I’ve got her!” Her leash had gotten tangled in the underbrush. This all happened within a forty-minute time frame.

I took the opportunity to share with Cameron and Melodie (and everyone else I have told this story to today!) how God can do the impossible. How He hears our prayers and answers.

There are so many lessons in this! When we face trouble, we should definitely pray and trust God for His help. But it doesn’t mean we should sit home and wait for Him to work! We can do what we can, and leave the rest to Him. Praise the Lord! We are very grateful for God’s help today!

Where’s My Focus?

God knows how to get my attention through His Word. This week, I’ve been reading Exodus, and God’s pointed out some great lessons for me.

God knew how to get Moses’ attention, too — namely, the burning bush. God called Moses to lead His people Israel out of Egypt.

  • Moses’ first focus was on himself. “Oh, Lord, not me. I can’t do what you’re asking.”
  • Moses’ second focus was on the people to whom he was being sent. “Oh, Lord, they’ll never believe me or the message.”

In each instance of faulty focusing, God redirected Moses to Himself.

  • “You say you can’t do it, but I, the Almighty God, will be with you each step of the way!”
  • “You say the people won’t believe you, but you should tell them that ‘I AM’ has sent you.”

God additionally encourages Moses by stating, “I AM has sent you to them.”

As I reflected on these things, I saw correlations in my own life and ministry. First, I often focus inwardly and see all my limitations, faults, and failures. I can grow discouraged very quickly when my mind is focused on myself. But God has promised never to leave or forsake me (Heb. 13:5); and I have the added blessing of having God’s own Spirit indwelling me 24/7 (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Focusing on the people around me can also bring on despair. Japanese people, in particular, are known for their lack of interest and openness to spiritual things, especially the Bible and Christianity. If I think too much about how unresponsive they are, I can start to give up. But God hasn’t called me to “save” anyone or change anyone. That’s work only He can do. God has called me to faithfully share His Word, His working in my own life, and how the gospel applies to each person I encounter. It’s encouraging to me to remember that Jesus promised to build His church (Matthew 16:18). It doesn’t rest solely on my puny shoulders!

God encourages me to focus on Him, His unfathomable power, and His presence. With God, nothing is impossible (Matthew 19:26)! When I focus on Him, my spirit is buoyed up with hope and stability.

Just as the Almighty Great I AM sent Moses to Egypt to deliver the word of salvation to His people, this same unchanging God has sent my husband and me to Japan. His power is no less miraculous now than it was then. God sends each of us to our neighbors, family, friends, and acquaintances. We have the privilege of sharing the greatest news of all time — “Deliverance is available! God loves you!”

Where’s your focus today?