The Iowa Chapter

Traveling from Wisconsin to Iowa was a little tight!

After brief stays in Oregon, Alabama, and Wisconsin, we have now relocated to Iowa. We plan to be here for almost three months. (Take deep breath!) Whew! We have been wonderfully blessed by our supporting church in Creston, IA. We are staying in their mission house, which is perfect for us. We even have horses next door to admire!

We’ve been enjoying visiting with a variety of supporting churches so far this furlough. Some of these have been supporting us for over twenty years! We are so grateful for our church families sending us to Japan with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We praise God for each one of you!

This weekend, Norman and Cameron plan to take in a men’s retreat. A couple weeks later, Susan and Chloe are looking forward to a ladies’ retreat. In the meantime, we look forward to Wednesday nights together with the church body here in Creston. After being in charge of running Bible studies and church services, it’s nice to sit back and not be in charge! The encouragement of being together with brothers and sisters in the Lord is not something we take lightly. What a blessing!


My sister and me, together for the first time in almost 5 years

I am reading 2 Samuel this month. Today I read about several armies uniting against Israel. Joab, Israel’s military commander, led the charge against the enemies. The attacking armies divided, some on this side of Israel, some on that side. Joab told his brother Abishai, “You go attack that side, and I’ll fight over here. If the Aramaens are too strong for me, then you will be my help. But if the Ammonites are too much for you, I’ll come to your aid” (paraphrase of verse 11).

What a great picture of the Christian family, the church! When times are tough for me, I’ll look to you for added strength and support. I will allow you to help me. (This is not always easy!) When the tables are turned, and you are in a bind, then I’ll be ready to jump in and give you a hand. We’re in this battle together. Together, we can be stronger. We’ve got each other’s back.

I love this imagery. Too often, it feels like it’s every man for himself, but God never meant it to be that way. I’m guilty of trying too hard to do everything myself. And I am hesitant to “push” myself into someone else’s life. I’ve experienced times when others have come to my rescue, and it’s been wonderful. Why is it so hard to admit the need for help? Pride, I suppose.

This week, let’s look around and see if a brother or sister looks like they could use some support. And if it’s you or me who needs extra help, let’s be brave enough (and humble enough) to reach out to a brother or sister and request a hand. Let’s encourage a Together relationship with our church family.

Trek Across America

Our family began our furlough journey in Oregon. We then moseyed down to Alabama to visit Norman’s side of the family and pick up our vehicle. About three weeks after that, we took two days to drive up to Wisconsin to see my side and celebrate my mom’s 80th birthday. (Happy birthday, Mom!) This past Thursday, we headed to Creston, Iowa, where we plan to settle in for about three months. Our supporting church here has graciously offered us the use of their missionary house. We are so thankful to be able to rest in place (during the week anyway!) in one location with just our family!

By way of update, we have had some terrific news from home in Japan! Elijah led another Filipino friend to the Lord! Please pray for Charlie as he takes steps along the road of discipleship, and for Elijah as he leads Charlie.

Also, Stephen Clemans made it to Japan! He plans to help Jonathan cover for us while we’re in the States. Currently, Stephen is sick and had to see the Japanese doctor. Not a fun way to get started, but God’s doing something!

(from left, Stephen, Elijah, and Jonathan)
The kids and I joined my sister on a walk to a pier by Lake Michigan.
Visiting Walnut Park Baptist Church in Muscatine, Iowa, our kids stand ready to greet anyone who looks interested in talking with the missionary family!