Why Should God Bless Us?

Fall’s blessings — bountiful crops!

I came across Psalm 67:1-2 recently. It says:

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your way may be made known on earth, your saving power among all nations.”

It’s basically saying, “May God bless me, so I can share His mercy, salvation, and goodness with all nations across the globe!”

I know I’ve been blessed! I grew up in a Christian family, with two loving parents, with the truth of the gospel available to me from early on; I lived in the USA, in this century, in a middle-class home. So many blessings!

But why? Why would God shower all of this on me? So many in the world don’t have all these things. As the verse reminds me, I am blessed to be able to bless others. To lead them to the same knowledge of God that I have is part of the responsibility and privilege that comes with the blessing.

Part of reaching out includes meeting new people. This week, my two daughters and I joined a community sign language class. We were surprised and thrilled to meet some relatives of one of our friends. Another lady used to live in our neighborhood and knows all our current neighbors. The teacher is the same age as Chloe! All in all, it was a positive experience. (Though it was a stretch for Melodie to have to introduce herself in Japanese!) We pray God opens a door with some of these new friends.

How has God blessed you? How will you use what you have to bless someone else?

New Chapter?

For over a year, Norman has been burdened for the international young men he sees bicycling near our home. We learned that they work at a Japanese construction company, and that they come from the Philippines and Vietnam. He has prayed for God to open a door to meet them. One day recently, while out jogging, he finally met a trio of Filipino young men! Upon talking, Norman found out one is a pastor’s kid from a Baptist church in the Philippines! He had been praying for months to be able to find a church in the area! He came a week later to our international Bible study we hold on Sunday nights. The week after that, he invited some of his friends. We soon had nine guys over to our house for a meal, and seven attended church the next Sunday!

The Filipino man is open to ministry if God should lead him, so Norman invited him to begin learning some Bible school courses. Cameron is joining in, learning hermeneutics (how to interpret Scriptures). Pray for language struggles between English and Tagalog. Norman is studying some Tagalog himself to help things along.

You never know where God might open a door! We have been encouraged to see some spiritual hunger and interest among the Filipinos we’ve met. Pray for God to help them understand truth, respond to it in repentance and acceptance, and to grow in their understanding of Who God is and what He offers them.

Thank you for your prayers!

Missions is like building bridges!