Effective Now

God has been teaching me some new things about the Christian life. For instance, for most of my life, I’ve desired to be “productive” as a Christian. I want “success” in ministry. I want something to show for my life and my efforts for God. Basically, I want to be effective as a Christian, as a missionary, as a mom. But when you stop to think about it, too often we mistakenly allow someone other than God to define success and effectiveness.

Look at Jeremiah, the prophet. Was his life effective? He shared the Word of the LORD to people, and no one listened or obeyed. If you were to read his prayer letter, would you consider his ministry a success? Not by the definition of this world. Not according to the piles of books on church growth. Not according to my own definition. I wouldn’t want to experience that kind of ministry! But if you look at Jeremiah’s life from God’s perspective, how does that change your impression? God called Jeremiah and gave him the messages He wanted Jeremiah to proclaim. Did Jeremiah faithfully obey God, doing His leading? Yes! That means Jeremiah fulfilled the work that God had for him. That’s success!

Too often my goal is the fruit. I want certain results in ministry, but those are not for me to drum up. I have no control over how people respond to God’s message. In a similar way, I must concentrate on fulfilling the job God has given me. What does God desire from me? He wants my heart. He wants me to have a close relationship with Him. His plan is for my old nature to grow weaker and for Christ to live in and through me (Gal. 2:20).

As a side note, though I can’t produce results by an act of my will, I can upgrade my skills in certain areas. I can learn how to more effectively explain the gospel, for instance. I can integrate tips on how to use my time more wisely. I can learn how to pray better.

I am still learning what this looks like in day to day life. How can love God with my whole being? In what areas is God calling me to be faithful to Him? What skills do I need to be honing to be the best servant I can be? Who is God bringing into my life that He wants me to love? How am I relying on His Spirit to truly love them? Where am I not being obedient? What is hindering me from truly loving God with all my heart? Am I willing to give that up?

Let’s pray together for us to be faithful and obedient servants of our Lord!