Summer Musings

Summer is well under way here in southern Japan. We’ve had high humidity and upper-90’s temps. Whew! I’m learning to look for the positives and enjoy what I can during the heat. One thing I enjoy is washing the rice in cold water before cooking it. It’s always nice to take a shower at the end of the day, too.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned in this blog about the Kumamoto Bible School, but Norman began classes last year, I believe. First, it was one class with Keiko and Amanda, who are living with us. But now he has classes each Sunday afternoon (with about 7 students) and one on Friday nights (with about 9 students). Currently, they are studying Doctrine III and Hermeneutics (studying/interpreting the Bible). He has to speak in both English and Japanese since our students come with different language capabilities. It is such a joy to be able to help people grow deeper roots in their understanding of God’s Word and personal discipleship. Please keep these students in your prayers. Norman, too!

Since our family will be taking a mini-furlough later this year, our kids took a few weeks’ break from school in June, before getting a head start on history or science. I didn’t want to lug all those fat textbooks overseas for just a couple months, so I figure if we can get through some of it now, we can ease off of it later. It hasn’t been as bad as I had thought. Their “school day” is over so quickly now! One subject, and then they’re done for the day! Mom likes it, too. So I’ve been hearing about evolutionary concepts versus creation truth, musculature of the body and the amazing forethought God had in creating the human body, as well as the capitals of Canada. A broad range of thoughts!

Coming up this weekend will be a family concert at our coffee shop, children’s camp next week, and another karate belt test!

We have been picking green beans and tomatoes lately. And picking lots of weeds that we didn’t plant! Eggplant are on their way to fruit-bearing, as are the green peppers. We’ve got vines and flowers on a cantaloupe-type melon, gourds, cucumbers, and pumpkins. We hope the weeds don’t overtake them….nor the wild boar! The crows are also bad for the garden!

We’ve had a bit of sickness pass through our family. I think we’re on the mend. . . maybe!

Again, thank you for your prayers and support in so many ways. We seek to be faithful in serving God here as you serve Him there. Thank you for doing your part in this greatest work on earth.