A New Life

Easter provides a great opportunity to LOOK BACK. Our family attended a Good Friday service at First Baptist Church in Kiel, WI. We had never taken part in such an event, but it was a huge blessing! Remembering all that Jesus went through for me — Wow. He deserves all the praise, the glory, and the honor! He also deserves my whole attention, devotion, and my life. In this way, Easter also gives opportunity to LOOK FORWARD. How will I live today in light of all Jesus has done for me? May I walk worthy of His calling!

Let me give a brief update on our situation. First, thanks to each of you who continues to pray for our family. We are so grateful! We are still waiting to proceed to the next step with Norman’s pursuit of ministry within the States. He has applied to a new position (within ABWE), met online with the head of the division, and his references are being checked. We are waiting patiently for God’s leading in this area.

Our family is slowly settling into my mom’s house with her. We’ve been able to enjoy lots of snow (rare for us, coming from southern Japan!), and our dogs loved it, too! I’ve already been relieved to be here with Mom. She still strives to be independent, but I’ve been able to lend a helping hand here and there, filling in some needed gaps. God is so gracious to allow me to serve my mother in this way.

My family is also gracious to allow me to do this! Melodie has uprooted her life to join us here in this foreign country of the USA! Our diet has changed dramatically. Her activities have greatly changed, and she’s been split apart from her siblings who remain in Japan until this summer. Chloe and Cameron have also been affected, since they are now learning to “adult” without us nearby. They’ve had a few bumps along the way, but it’s probably been good for them! Norman, too, has had a huge life change! Going from Field Team Leader of ABWEJapan to spouse of a caretaker is quite the shift! But he’s had lots of opportunities to speak with various pastors and other men regarding discipleship and how to apply it in each of their locations. Some have responded eagerly, desiring to learn more.

One amazing praise we have is the blessing we received just this past week! Norman was on the search for office space. (Mom’s home is not conducive to a focused time of study, podcasting, or extending ongoing hospitality.) He was beginning to despair of ever finding anything, but God directed him to ask at the village town office if they knew of anything. The clerk gave him a short list of possibilities. Norman contacted the first one . . . located right next door! When asked how he’d use the 1,200 square foot space, Norman was pleased to find out that the owner not only is a Christian, but he is also supportive of what Norman’s doing! The room needs some remodeling, but we hope to be able to begin using it as early as this spring! God’s timing (and location) is perfect! Thank You, Lord!

We’ve heard good reports from Japan. Jonathan Jelliff, who had covered the work while we were on furlough, continues to prosper there. God raised up this disciple at just the right time!