Acts 13:32

In a sermon preached by an early apostle, King David from the Old Testament popped up as an illustration. This is what was said of him by God: He is “a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do” (NLT).

Think of that! What a challenge for each of us who claims the Name of Christ as our Savior. It calls for the question: Do I do all that God wants me to do? Does my heart beat like His? If not, then what am I lacking?

What characteristics did David possess? One of the first things I remember is David’s zeal to glorify and honor God’s Name. This is what led him to face Goliath who was deriding and defying God’s Name. Also, David loved God with all his heart (read the Psalms), with all his strength, and with all his emotions.

How can I stand up for God’s Name this week? What will it look like to love God so completely that it involves my strength, emotions, and all that I am? What should my first step be toward living this way?

Lord, help me strive to uplift Your Name today. Help me not to degrade it myself by sinning, by what I talk about, by what I approve. I want to follow You and LOVE You in the way You deserve. Amen.

Back Home in Japan

As much as we enjoyed seeing family, churches, and friends in America, we are very thankful to be back home in Japan! Despite four months worth of dust covering everything, we were able to settle back in easily. We’re over jetlag now and trying to do some deep cleaning as we figure out our new schedule.

A big prayer request is to be able to locate a place to meet in Minami Aso area. Last Sunday, we met at a member’s house, but that is not a sustainable solution.

This month, I will attend our ABWE ladies’ retreat. I look forward to that! There should be seven us there this year. Included in that number is a short-term intern who is in Japan for three weeks. The week following the retreat, “Angel” will be staying with us to experience life and ministry in Kumamoto. Pray for her and us as we minister together.

Our other news is that we just got a puppy! Melodie and Cameron are so excited, though it’s more work than Melodie anticipated. “Fritz” is a miniature schnauzer and is about four months old. So far, he’s been a great dog for our family. Pictures will be forthcoming…as soon as my camera arrives in the mail. (We shipped a lot of things instead of carrying them across the ocean!)