
Much has been happening since January! Our coffee shop in Minami Aso is up and running since the end of February. Though only open three days a week, the shop is allowing us to make new friends and acquaintances. It has also done something we never dreamed of, namely, providing Chloe with part-time work! Not as a coffee maker, but inĀ  teaching a guitar class and a gospel “choir” type class. Cameron is also teaching ukulele! This is great timing since Chloe is graduating today from homeschool and needs to save up funds for college.

Speaking of graduation, Keiko Sesaki, who has worked with us faithfully over the last decade, recently graduated from the Kumamoto Bible School. She is the first graduate of this school! Good job, Keiko! We look forward to seeing how God continues to use her.

In recent months, both Jonathan Jellif and Nate & Azusa Stratton have applied to ABWE to become missionaries. There have been some visa struggles with Azusa going to the US. Please pray for wisdom and patience for the Strattons. We’ve been praying together with you about the need for more workers here…and God is answering our prayers! Thank you!