Springing Ahead

Life has gotten in the way of updating this blog! Spring seems like a busy time. Easter was a blessing, with some unsaved people attending. We shared the Lord’s Supper during one service. We continue to rejoice that Jesus was raised again so we, too, can walk in newness of life and look forward to heaven!

On the home front, our children had a karate belt test – to move from a white belt up to an orange belt. There were lots of nerves, not knowing what to expect, and doing it in another language. They worked hard to prepare. They knew they’d be asked to do 50 push-ups and 50 squats. They ended up having to do jumping squats instead, which about killed them! But they all passed with flying (orange) colors. 🙂

Karate belt test

Since the last time I wrote, we’ve come in contact with another family who is interested in joining our Bible study. The problem is that they live over an hour away! As we considered it, we realized that there are 3 families who come from that faraway place called Minami Aso. The first 2 families we met from there have been coming at least occasionally to our Sunday morning Bible study. The latest family said it’s just too far. They have four small children to drag along with them, too. So, we’ve been sniffing around the Minami Aso area for ideas of where we could meet together once a week. It would mean shifting around our current schedule and stretching Norman’s strength a bit more. What we really need is more helpers!! Pray with us about this new venture. God is working in hearts, but the laborers are few and far between.