Step by Step

Sometimes life seems to fly past. Then there are weeks that seem to inch by. The summer has flown past for us. It’s hard to believe the end of August is in sight. Melodie is living in disbelief that she may need to wear a hat to walk the dog on August mornings in Wisconsin! Unheard of in southern Japan! (I’m not complaining!)

Here are a few updates from the last month or two:

NORMAN has scheduled meetings with our supporting churches into October. He has a full calendar of events that makes my head spin. Somehow he still finds time to savor His Savior, exercise daily, and spend time with his wife!

SUSAN — I completed my CNA course today! I’m planning to set up a time to take the state certification test. I enjoyed working at the clinical site, a nursing home nearby. Meeting and helping the residents was the highlight for me.

CHLOE is in mid-tour now. She’s had concerts in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Kansas. She’ll be moving into a college dorm this month to begin her first experience of in-person college classes! Listen to her dad interview her on

CAMERON came back from Bolivia with lots of stories and testimonies of God at work. You can listen to an interview with him on Cameron will be returning to Wisconsin to complete another semester of online college this fall.

MELODIE has completed her initial 10 hour requirement of driving time in order to take Behind the Wheel training. Following that, she will need more hours of practice before she can obtain her driver’s license. She’s also been busy designing her dad’s new business cards, his podcast logo, and designs for book covers. She’s getting to know several young women at the church we attend.

My MOM has enjoyed a couple mini-vacations with my sister. My mom has been going to the pool pretty faithfully for exercise and social interaction. She can meet people anywhere she goes! She faithfully shares her faith, too. We are all still adjusting to living with each other, making small changes over time.

Thank you for praying for each of us! We are so encouraged to hear your stories of how you have cared for your parents and loved ones, and to hear of how you stayed the course. We are truly blessed. We want to finish our race well, too, for the glory of the Lord.

Our pastor just spoke on James 1:12: “Blessed is the man who endures temptation (or trials); for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (NKJV).

We desire to endure to the end, faithfully serving the Lord wherever He leads. We love Him because He first loved us! Praise the name of Jesus!