About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

Second-to-Last Road Trip

We abandoned Alabama this morning, traveled through Tennessee, are kicking through Kentucky, and will soon be over in Ohio. We will be at our supporting church in Amelia this Sunday. Then it’ll be back south, visiting Norman’s aunts on the way home.

Life is crazy these days! We had more than one problem obtaining Melodie’s renewed visa this year. (The rest of us renewed ours in Japan before leaving, but hers is on a different schedule for some reason.) Anyway, after a number of snags, we believe things are ironed out, and we should receive our passports back and her approved visa in the next few days. Praise God!

We hear one-sided conversations in Japanese in our household these days. Norman has been working with his Japanese buddies in Japan to find housing (at least temporary) for when we first arrive in Japan. (We will fly out from Chicago on April 6th!!) It looks like we can stay in a tiny house, renting it a month at a time. We are thankful God knows our needs and is capable to meet each one. We try not to be stressed by the unknowns, the zillions of details that have yet to be seen to, and the last minute decisions to make. Please keep us in your prayers!

God’s Blessings

I have to tell you about a recent missions conference we attended here in Alabama! This supporting church of ours really goes all out for missions, and they love missionaries! They asked for a wish list, including things we need for ministry, family, or just our wildest dream. We put the normal stuff, including gifts to take back to Japan. But Norman, dreaming big, put down a request for money to buy a big motorcycle in Japan, perhaps even a Harley??? For those of you who aren’t familiar with Norman’s latest ministry, he has been using motorcycles as a way to make new friends and build relationships.

Anyway, to make a long story short, this bike is a reality! Even the church people doubted whether they could fill that wish, but God did a work…and Norman’s ministry will continue! If nothing else, this showed Norman that bikers should continue to be a part of his outreach focus.

Thank you to the supporting churches out there who trust in God to do amazing things! And thank you all for your faithful support and prayers.

A Note from Chloe (age 11)

Hi! My name is Chloe! I am really excited about going back to Japan and seeing all my friends. Our furlough this year was really nice, but I’m ready to go back.

This year I learned that I really, really like deer meat! Of course, all the stuff my Granny makes is good, but . . .

Thank you for praying for our family!

Thirty-eight Days and Waiting…

Only 38 days until we leave the States and return to Japan! We eagerly look forward to being back “home.” Granted, our old home was bulldozed after we moved out, but we were not planning to live there again anyway. Actually, we have no clue where we will live! God knows! We will live in the same area we lived last term, but a different house.

Here are a few prayer requests we would love for you to pray about:
1. Pray that Melodie’s visa application will be processed without problem.
2. Pray that we would be able to locate at least a temporary dwelling for when we first arrive in Japan.
3. Pray that we could find land and/or an old farm house for a good price. This would be used for our own habitation as well as provide an area to build something for participants in GRIT.
4. Pray as we pare down our belongings and decide what to take or send to Japan.
5. Pray that we will be able to reconnect with old friends and acquaintances quickly in Japan.

We appreciate your interest in what God is doing in Japan and in the Smith family. Thank you for your ministry in prayer for us.

What are we up to these days? This week we are at a missions conference in Prattville, AL. Melodie lost her first tooth last week (ate it!). We bought plane tickets for April 6th, though we won’t actually land in Japan until the 8th.

Final Chapter – USA

We made it safely to Alabama! We made it in four days. First, we visited First Baptist Church in Yarmouth, IA. Then we traveled south for several hours, spent the night at a hotel in the St. Louis area, then traveled some seven hours to reach Norman’s college chum. We spent the evening with his friend and family (including twins aged 3¾ years old) in Arkansas, before traveling the final four hours to Norman’s folks’ house. We were very glad to get out of the van!

Now, we look forward to less than two month’s worth of visiting supporting churches in Alabama, with one in Ohio, to finish up our furlough. The first Friday in April will see us back up north to attend my brother’s wedding in Chicago. As soon as possible after that, we plan to return to Japan, God willing…and pending final approval from the mission agency…and assuming we’ll have obtained Melodie’s visa by then.

Until April, we have lots of packing, sorting, and deciding to complete in preparation for being out of the States for the next four years. We will store some things here in Alabama to be used for next furlough. Last minute shopping is always a necessity.

I think our whole family is ready to go back to Japan. Time to settle down for a while! Of course, once we land in Japan, life will take on another flurry of activity. We need to find housing immediately, retrieve our car from where it’s been used two hours from us, take care of loads of paperwork for the Japanese government, and set up or renew cell phone and healthcare accounts, and tons of other details. It’s always a little hairy to go back without a house waiting for us. But, we try to see it as an adventure…and it is! And eventually, things get calmed down, and life will go on!

Finishing up the Iowa chapter

Our time in Iowa is coming to a close. As sad as we are to say good-bye to our friends here, we welcome the chance to move south to warmer weather and to spend time with Norman’s family. Our children have enjoyed being involved in AWANA at our sending church, CrossRoad Baptist Church in Ames. Now that they are beginning to feel more at home and make some friends, it’s time to move on again. Oh, well. Such is our life these days!

Following our two months in Alabama, we will head up to Chicago for my brother’s wedding on April 5th. We hope to leave for Japan as soon after as possible, maybe even the 6th!

For now, though, we have about a week and a half to sort through all the stuff we’ve accumulated, give away what we don’t really want/need, throw away the useless items, and pack up the “keepers.” I’ve helped Melodie pare down her pile. Now it’s on to the other two. We must be able to fit everything we’re keeping into our conversion van and small trailer. The trailer will already be mostly filled with a motorcycle and five bicycles. (Yikes! Maybe we need to be more ruthless!)

Our last two Sundays in Iowa will be at Evangelical Free Church in Rockwell City and First Baptist Church in Yarmouth. After our last meeting, we will continue on south to Alabama. Back on the road!

Snow Time Like the Present

Coming from southern Japan, we typically don’t see snow. However, one of the presents for the kids this year is seeing a goodly amount of it! We left early to miss traveling in a snowstorm, and then we had the delight of shoveling it, building a snowman dubbed “Harry”, making snow angels, and sledding! A lack of the right type of clothing makes this only slightly less than wonderful, but it doesn’t seem to faze the kids.

We hope you had a great Christmas this year with your family, friends, or just you and the Lord. We enjoyed spending time with my parents, siblings and family, and extended family.

As I sit here, snow is quietly drifting down, slowly blanketing the scenery. The world looks different covered in white!

We want to thank each of you who has sent Christmas gifts, cards, and support this year. We are grateful for you! May God richly bless you in this coming year. We pray God’s best for you!

Merry Christmas!

This is a strange Christmas for us. It’s well into December, and there are NO decorations up in our home! (Norman is probably ecstatic!) It stands to figure. We’re only in the States about a year. No reason to buy trappings for one month. We are holding out for tinsel and lights when we visit our family instead. They can have all the red and green, and we can save our money to buy presents! 🙂

As on the move as we are, our children are unable to participate in Christmas programs, but we were able to watch one last week in Pella. Their kids did a great job! Unfortunately, Chloe was sick at the time, though she attended anyway. (Not the smartest move on our part.) We still have sickness giving visits to each in our household. ‘Tis the season!

The best part of Christmas this year is being able to spend it with family. We haven’t been able to do this in about five years, so it’s a real treat. Christmas dinner with the family….mmm. I can’t wait!

We hope you are able to enjoy time with family and friends this year, too. Make the most of these opportunities. People are special!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Smiths!

An Iowa October

We have completed our first month back in Iowa! The kids have been enjoying (with some trepidation) AWANA for the first time in their young lives. They are not used to being in the same room as so many children at one time! But they religiously study their verses, repeating them to each other over and over and over. The most asked question around here is, “How many more days till AWANA?” We’re grateful they can take advantage of this opportunity to get into God’s Word  . . . and for God’s Word to get into them!

We just visited our 37th church this year with another five months to go before returning home to Japan. I think we are getting to the point of being ready to go back. We continue to enjoy meeting up with friends and acquaintances from each church. We are being refreshed each week by Christian fellowship, seeing what God is doing in churches, and being blessed by so many.

In November, we visit churches in Waverly, Burlington, and Carroll, IA. We are currently seeking to fill November 25th.

Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

On the Move

The Smith family has been enjoying time with the Strutz family (my parents) in Wisconsin, during which time we have traveled around the state reporting to new and supporting churches. To top this experience off, we are able to be amazed at the rainbow of colors in the trees. Such beauty! I can’t help but be reminded about God’s kindness to mankind. He could have made everything on earth black and brown. But instead, just because He is creative and wants to provide us with pleasure at His beauty, He created the leaves to turn yellow, orange, red, maroon, purple, and every shade between. What a wonderful, gracious God!

We have packed up most of our belongings and plan to move to Iowa on Thursday, October 4th. I have a feeling that Grandpa and Grandma won’t know what to do with all the quiet they will have when we leave!

We are eager to meet up with our Iowa friends and churches. We have been blessed recently to visit with many warm church families. What abundant Christian resources are in this nation! There is so much for which to be thankful.