About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

Where’s My Focus?

God knows how to get my attention through His Word. This week, I’ve been reading Exodus, and God’s pointed out some great lessons for me.

God knew how to get Moses’ attention, too — namely, the burning bush. God called Moses to lead His people Israel out of Egypt.

  • Moses’ first focus was on himself. “Oh, Lord, not me. I can’t do what you’re asking.”
  • Moses’ second focus was on the people to whom he was being sent. “Oh, Lord, they’ll never believe me or the message.”

In each instance of faulty focusing, God redirected Moses to Himself.

  • “You say you can’t do it, but I, the Almighty God, will be with you each step of the way!”
  • “You say the people won’t believe you, but you should tell them that ‘I AM’ has sent you.”

God additionally encourages Moses by stating, “I AM has sent you to them.”

As I reflected on these things, I saw correlations in my own life and ministry. First, I often focus inwardly and see all my limitations, faults, and failures. I can grow discouraged very quickly when my mind is focused on myself. But God has promised never to leave or forsake me (Heb. 13:5); and I have the added blessing of having God’s own Spirit indwelling me 24/7 (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Focusing on the people around me can also bring on despair. Japanese people, in particular, are known for their lack of interest and openness to spiritual things, especially the Bible and Christianity. If I think too much about how unresponsive they are, I can start to give up. But God hasn’t called me to “save” anyone or change anyone. That’s work only He can do. God has called me to faithfully share His Word, His working in my own life, and how the gospel applies to each person I encounter. It’s encouraging to me to remember that Jesus promised to build His church (Matthew 16:18). It doesn’t rest solely on my puny shoulders!

God encourages me to focus on Him, His unfathomable power, and His presence. With God, nothing is impossible (Matthew 19:26)! When I focus on Him, my spirit is buoyed up with hope and stability.

Just as the Almighty Great I AM sent Moses to Egypt to deliver the word of salvation to His people, this same unchanging God has sent my husband and me to Japan. His power is no less miraculous now than it was then. God sends each of us to our neighbors, family, friends, and acquaintances. We have the privilege of sharing the greatest news of all time — “Deliverance is available! God loves you!”

Where’s your focus today?

The Right Focus

“The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me.” — God

The other day, after thinking about all that could and should be done on the mission field here, I was swept over with feelings of anxiety, despair, and an overwhelming burden. On top of that, I look at the people around me and think, “They’ll never change. Why even try to work with them?”

When the tears threatened to fall, I realized I needed to be in God’s Word. Time to get refocused!

God reminds me (often!) that I should do my part and leave the rest to Him. Jesus promised to build His church. I can prepare soil, plant seeds, water seeds, and pull out weeds along the way, but, ultimately, the growth is all of God. Any lasting fruit must be done by His Spirit. Jesus offers me an easy yoke and a light burden.

Lord, fill my vision with You! Your power is unlimited by me OR anyone else. Teach me to do my part and leave the results in Your hands. Help me quit trying to control everything! That’s not my job. Teach me to fill my heart with praise and thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name I ask this, Amen.


Much has been happening since January! Our coffee shop in Minami Aso is up and running since the end of February. Though only open three days a week, the shop is allowing us to make new friends and acquaintances. It has also done something we never dreamed of, namely, providing Chloe with part-time work! Not as a coffee maker, but in  teaching a guitar class and a gospel “choir” type class. Cameron is also teaching ukulele! This is great timing since Chloe is graduating today from homeschool and needs to save up funds for college.

Speaking of graduation, Keiko Sesaki, who has worked with us faithfully over the last decade, recently graduated from the Kumamoto Bible School. She is the first graduate of this school! Good job, Keiko! We look forward to seeing how God continues to use her.

In recent months, both Jonathan Jellif and Nate & Azusa Stratton have applied to ABWE to become missionaries. There have been some visa struggles with Azusa going to the US. Please pray for wisdom and patience for the Strattons. We’ve been praying together with you about the need for more workers here…and God is answering our prayers! Thank you!


Update on Minami Aso Work

Building purchased in Minami Aso

Here is a picture of the building in Minami Aso! In our recent prayer letter, I had written prematurely that the septic tank had been put in. I was mistaken. Now, it the final thing we’re waiting on in order to open this building as a coffee shop. Yet, despite a lack of water usage at the present time, we have been meeting for Bible studies since the first Sunday of the year.

Here’s a view of the inside, though more changes have occurred since these were taken.

Looking out the front doors

Looking toward the back of the building. There’s a stage, which now holds a baby grand piano!

We look forward to completing the building renovation and being approved to open as a coffee shop. Thanks for your prayers!

Psalm 54

Of all of the Bible characters I love, David stands out near the top of my list. He was so REAL!

The beginning statement before this psalm begins tells us that David wrote this as Saul was hunting him down and as David was betrayed by the Ziphities. Imagine David’s life. How terrifying would it be to be chased by the most powerful person in your country! David cried out to God, and he didn’t sugarcoat his feelings.

He said, “O God, save me by your name…. Ruthless men seek my life.”

This reminds me that when I pray, I can lay everything out there in front of God. I don’t need to pretend. If I’m stressed, I can tell God I’m stressed! If I’m scared, I can tell Him that, too. But David didn’t stop at spilling his emotions. He focused on the truth.

“Behold, God is my helper; the LORD is the upholder of my life.”

For David, that truth must have been very comforting! God is the one who decides how long we will live! Our lives are in His hand. And He helps us through every challenge He allows into our lives.

But David didn’t stop there. Not only did he remind himself of the facts, but he also acted. Not according to his emotions, though. He acted according to what he knew was correct.

“With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you; I will give thanks to your name, O LORD, for it is good. For he has delivered me from every trouble.” (emphasis mine)

In a time that must have stirred up panic, terror, and anxiety, David spilled his emotions to his Shepherd, reminded himself of the truth, and then acted according to the truth, not his emotions. He could give thanks even in that disturbing situation, knowing that God was with him and would help him through it.

I’m not sure what this year will hold for me. You don’t either. At any time, a curveball could swing your way and knock you to your knees. While you’re down there, remember to do a little talking to God — David’s style.

Merry Christmas from Japan

Merry Christmas from the Smiths!

We had a good Christmas…though it was rather unusual this year! (I guess it was last year, too!) Our Kumamoto church group had a Christmas outreach on December 23. There were several first time guests, several unsaved, and others we’ve been reaching out to for a while. Norman told me that many attendees paid close attention to the message and seemed to understand what was said. Keiko and I led a separate session geared toward the twelve children in attendance. Keiko did a terrific job presenting not only Jesus’ birth, but also the fact that He grew up, died on the cross, and rose again in order to make a relationship possible with God.  All in all, our space was filled with 30 plus people! Praise God!

The part that made Christmas unusual was that we had two Americans stay overnight during Christmas Eve and Christmas! They are both from Montana, and at least one is considering ministry in Japan. We introduced them to what we’re doing here, and we hope they return soon! (Please pray for more workers here!)

Since our last post, we have bought the building in Minami Aso and are almost finished remodeling it for use as a coffee shop and meeting place for the new church group we plan to start there. We are looking forward to having our first official meeting on January 6th!

Thank you all for praying for the work here, and for us as a family. We look forward to 2019 and to growing ever closer to being like Jesus Christ!


July Happenings

Two of our children had birthdays this month. Melodie turned 12 and Cameron turned 14. They are growing up! Keiko had a birthday, too. In fact, about half our church group have birthdays in July!

These two share a birthday!

Summer has certainly hit southern Kyushu. We’ve had temperatures in the high 90’s and even the 100’s. But God has been giving us grace to bear the heat and keeping shining for Him.

The men’s discipleship class continues to meet, as well as the women’s groups. Despite random typhoons blowing by, we were still able to meet.

We are still waiting on the Minami Aso building, but the contract has been approved by both parties and the bank has approved the financial end of things for the current owner. We hope to take possession of it perhaps even next week!

Melodie and Cameron went to the overnight Kids’ Camp this summer, Melodie as a camper, and Cameron has a helper. Cameron came home so tired, he went to bed at 8 p.m.! (The boy campers aren’t known for sleeping much at night!)

August is soon upon us, bringing the return of homeschool, our annual ABWE Japan retreat, a gathering of like-minded churches, and many other things. We appreciate your prayers on the work here.

As an interesting side note, we found a cicada that hadn’t molted yet. We attached it to our screen and watched the metamorphosis occur! This big cicada once was crammed into this tiny body!

New Member of the Family

Well, I promised a picture, and here it is! Please meet our puppy Fritz. He is currently 7 months old. I think we’re all getting used to one another, and Fritz is becoming embedded into our family.

6 months old

Fritz’s eyes aren’t really blue, but whenever we take pictures, they seem to have a blue-ish tint to them. We love him! (especially now that he’s house-trained!)

Taking care of dogs isn’t all we’ve been doing lately. We have a lead on a building to purchase in Minami-Aso. Still working out details. It’s in God’s hands.

The ladies in our two small groups met for our first monthly get-together/prayer time. It was wonderful to hang out together, discuss what it means to love one another as a group, and share our requests.

Norman has begun construction on his much-needed office space. He decided to remodel one corner of the barn. He put in a couple windows and a separate door. He and Chloe put up ceiling panels, and I think there was work done involving insulation. Still got a ways to go, especially since the kids caught colds and I was heading that direction, too. Keiko and I have been working more at the coffee shop so Norman has more time to put on his carpenter hat. Maybe soon, Norman will have a space to have all his books and materials in one room!

Other than that, everything seems to be going well. Thanks for your prayers!

Acts 13:32

In a sermon preached by an early apostle, King David from the Old Testament popped up as an illustration. This is what was said of him by God: He is “a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do” (NLT).

Think of that! What a challenge for each of us who claims the Name of Christ as our Savior. It calls for the question: Do I do all that God wants me to do? Does my heart beat like His? If not, then what am I lacking?

What characteristics did David possess? One of the first things I remember is David’s zeal to glorify and honor God’s Name. This is what led him to face Goliath who was deriding and defying God’s Name. Also, David loved God with all his heart (read the Psalms), with all his strength, and with all his emotions.

How can I stand up for God’s Name this week? What will it look like to love God so completely that it involves my strength, emotions, and all that I am? What should my first step be toward living this way?

Lord, help me strive to uplift Your Name today. Help me not to degrade it myself by sinning, by what I talk about, by what I approve. I want to follow You and LOVE You in the way You deserve. Amen.

Back Home in Japan

As much as we enjoyed seeing family, churches, and friends in America, we are very thankful to be back home in Japan! Despite four months worth of dust covering everything, we were able to settle back in easily. We’re over jetlag now and trying to do some deep cleaning as we figure out our new schedule.

A big prayer request is to be able to locate a place to meet in Minami Aso area. Last Sunday, we met at a member’s house, but that is not a sustainable solution.

This month, I will attend our ABWE ladies’ retreat. I look forward to that! There should be seven us there this year. Included in that number is a short-term intern who is in Japan for three weeks. The week following the retreat, “Angel” will be staying with us to experience life and ministry in Kumamoto. Pray for her and us as we minister together.

Our other news is that we just got a puppy! Melodie and Cameron are so excited, though it’s more work than Melodie anticipated. “Fritz” is a miniature schnauzer and is about four months old. So far, he’s been a great dog for our family. Pictures will be forthcoming…as soon as my camera arrives in the mail. (We shipped a lot of things instead of carrying them across the ocean!)