God Revealed

How much could we really know about the God of all the universe without Him revealing Himself to us in some way? Obviously, we can infer certain things about Him from viewing nature, human relationships, and so on. But something that has been amazing me lately is noticing just how much God reveals Himself through His divine Word, the Bible.

As God, He can make up the rules for His world. For the people He’s created. As the fall leaves turn such vivid reds and oranges, I revel in the fact that God cares for us enough to create so much beauty. He didn’t have to do that! Everything could be gray. We could be colorblind. Why does God paint gorgeous sunsets? Is it for Himself? Or could it be for our enjoyment? Or maybe more than that, it is a huge arrow that points to Him as the Designer!

Today I read Psalm 146. There are so many verbs that describe what God DOES. Not only that, but He tells us what things He loves and hates. In other passages of the Bible, we see other character traits and values He holds. In Psalm 147, I learned that “the LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love” (verse 11 ESV).

When I fear, honor, and respect and find hope in this Creator God — who sustains the universe, who heals the brokenhearted, who feeds the beasts of the earth, who makes grass grow and stars exist — I can bring delight to this amazing, living God! That is astounding!

Passing the Test(s)

How is your sanctification coming along?

Aren’t you grateful that God doesn’t leave us “as is” after we become His child? His desire is for us to become more and more like His Son, Jesus Christ, in our thoughts, actions, and character.

To enable us to grow and change (for the better!) God allows trials and tests into our lives. Sometimes He brings the same kinds of tests repeatedly into our lives, training us to turn to Him more quickly for strength, for truth, and for peace.

Personally, I have been through many tests that have challenged my fears. The first time to meet a Fear Challenge (of unknowns, things that cause me to worry, etc.), it took me some time to finally come to a place of peace and absolute trust in God to get me through. The next trial of a similar theme saw me learn from the past and have faith in God’s plan… And it took me less time to figure it out!

This month, I had another variation of that theme on a Monday. I quickly focused on God, not my trial, finding the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7). Victory!

But then . . .

The very next day I faced a different kind of trial. This one no longer attacked my fears but something else I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Frankly, I’m still learning some three weeks later. But God is teaching me to fill my mind with Scripture, Christian music, Christian books, prayer, and faith in God’s sufficiency to meet my needs. After some painful self-evaluation, I am realizing that the origin of my angst is most likely due to a root of pride. Ouch!

So, now that I’m mostly through this most recent challenge, I want to be prepared for the next time it hits me. I wrote down what helped me through it this time. As soon as I recognize the signs of this trial again, I can more quickly head the right way. My confusion and wrong thinking can be replaced with truth, wisdom, and that peace that God desires each of us to have no matter what the situation. I’m beginning to see that most of my problems (maybe all!) stem from a lack of faith in our all-knowing, all-powerful God.

So, what challenges are you facing this week? Are you experiencing God’s mind-blowing peace yet? If not, what is standing in your way? Do you tend to struggle with similar challenges? What can help you have victory more quickly next time you face this?

Where’s My Focus?

God knows how to get my attention through His Word. This week, I’ve been reading Exodus, and God’s pointed out some great lessons for me.

God knew how to get Moses’ attention, too — namely, the burning bush. God called Moses to lead His people Israel out of Egypt.

  • Moses’ first focus was on himself. “Oh, Lord, not me. I can’t do what you’re asking.”
  • Moses’ second focus was on the people to whom he was being sent. “Oh, Lord, they’ll never believe me or the message.”

In each instance of faulty focusing, God redirected Moses to Himself.

  • “You say you can’t do it, but I, the Almighty God, will be with you each step of the way!”
  • “You say the people won’t believe you, but you should tell them that ‘I AM’ has sent you.”

God additionally encourages Moses by stating, “I AM has sent you to them.”

As I reflected on these things, I saw correlations in my own life and ministry. First, I often focus inwardly and see all my limitations, faults, and failures. I can grow discouraged very quickly when my mind is focused on myself. But God has promised never to leave or forsake me (Heb. 13:5); and I have the added blessing of having God’s own Spirit indwelling me 24/7 (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Focusing on the people around me can also bring on despair. Japanese people, in particular, are known for their lack of interest and openness to spiritual things, especially the Bible and Christianity. If I think too much about how unresponsive they are, I can start to give up. But God hasn’t called me to “save” anyone or change anyone. That’s work only He can do. God has called me to faithfully share His Word, His working in my own life, and how the gospel applies to each person I encounter. It’s encouraging to me to remember that Jesus promised to build His church (Matthew 16:18). It doesn’t rest solely on my puny shoulders!

God encourages me to focus on Him, His unfathomable power, and His presence. With God, nothing is impossible (Matthew 19:26)! When I focus on Him, my spirit is buoyed up with hope and stability.

Just as the Almighty Great I AM sent Moses to Egypt to deliver the word of salvation to His people, this same unchanging God has sent my husband and me to Japan. His power is no less miraculous now than it was then. God sends each of us to our neighbors, family, friends, and acquaintances. We have the privilege of sharing the greatest news of all time — “Deliverance is available! God loves you!”

Where’s your focus today?

The Right Focus

“The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me.” — God

The other day, after thinking about all that could and should be done on the mission field here, I was swept over with feelings of anxiety, despair, and an overwhelming burden. On top of that, I look at the people around me and think, “They’ll never change. Why even try to work with them?”

When the tears threatened to fall, I realized I needed to be in God’s Word. Time to get refocused!

God reminds me (often!) that I should do my part and leave the rest to Him. Jesus promised to build His church. I can prepare soil, plant seeds, water seeds, and pull out weeds along the way, but, ultimately, the growth is all of God. Any lasting fruit must be done by His Spirit. Jesus offers me an easy yoke and a light burden.

Lord, fill my vision with You! Your power is unlimited by me OR anyone else. Teach me to do my part and leave the results in Your hands. Help me quit trying to control everything! That’s not my job. Teach me to fill my heart with praise and thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name I ask this, Amen.

Psalm 54

Of all of the Bible characters I love, David stands out near the top of my list. He was so REAL!

The beginning statement before this psalm begins tells us that David wrote this as Saul was hunting him down and as David was betrayed by the Ziphities. Imagine David’s life. How terrifying would it be to be chased by the most powerful person in your country! David cried out to God, and he didn’t sugarcoat his feelings.

He said, “O God, save me by your name…. Ruthless men seek my life.”

This reminds me that when I pray, I can lay everything out there in front of God. I don’t need to pretend. If I’m stressed, I can tell God I’m stressed! If I’m scared, I can tell Him that, too. But David didn’t stop at spilling his emotions. He focused on the truth.

“Behold, God is my helper; the LORD is the upholder of my life.”

For David, that truth must have been very comforting! God is the one who decides how long we will live! Our lives are in His hand. And He helps us through every challenge He allows into our lives.

But David didn’t stop there. Not only did he remind himself of the facts, but he also acted. Not according to his emotions, though. He acted according to what he knew was correct.

“With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you; I will give thanks to your name, O LORD, for it is good. For he has delivered me from every trouble.” (emphasis mine)

In a time that must have stirred up panic, terror, and anxiety, David spilled his emotions to his Shepherd, reminded himself of the truth, and then acted according to the truth, not his emotions. He could give thanks even in that disturbing situation, knowing that God was with him and would help him through it.

I’m not sure what this year will hold for me. You don’t either. At any time, a curveball could swing your way and knock you to your knees. While you’re down there, remember to do a little talking to God — David’s style.

Acts 13:32

In a sermon preached by an early apostle, King David from the Old Testament popped up as an illustration. This is what was said of him by God: He is “a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do” (NLT).

Think of that! What a challenge for each of us who claims the Name of Christ as our Savior. It calls for the question: Do I do all that God wants me to do? Does my heart beat like His? If not, then what am I lacking?

What characteristics did David possess? One of the first things I remember is David’s zeal to glorify and honor God’s Name. This is what led him to face Goliath who was deriding and defying God’s Name. Also, David loved God with all his heart (read the Psalms), with all his strength, and with all his emotions.

How can I stand up for God’s Name this week? What will it look like to love God so completely that it involves my strength, emotions, and all that I am? What should my first step be toward living this way?

Lord, help me strive to uplift Your Name today. Help me not to degrade it myself by sinning, by what I talk about, by what I approve. I want to follow You and LOVE You in the way You deserve. Amen.

Psalm 113

My mom has a neighbor who is difficult to be around. Why? Because 95% of the words coming out of her mouth have a decidedly negative spin on them. Her daughters-in-law are hateful; her children never come to visit; she has nothing to live for, and on and on it goes. After a few hours of that, it makes her listener feel as negative and down as she is!

As we read through Psalm 113, we see the psalmist’s focus on praise to the Lord, the unique God of the universe. It convicted me of my own tendency to point out the negative aspects of my situation. Why do I focus on what I don’t like about something? Why not focus on what’s positive and wonderful? This is a part of my personality that I may always struggle with. But with God’s help, and a right focus, I believe I can improve my outlook on people and circumstances.

Today as we speak to others (or to ourselves in our thoughts), let’s center our words on the Lord. With God, there is always hope. There is always reason to praise and be grateful. No matter what the situation, God brings light into the equation.

“Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD! Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised!” (Psalm 113:1-3 ESV).

Proverbs 12:12

Proverbs 12:12 says, “Whoever is wicked covets the spoil of evildoers, but the root of the righteous bears fruit.” (ESV)

My first thought upon reading this verse was in regards to the first half. I have known people who have coveted the wealth of others, no matter how it was obtained. If I’m being honest, I have done that, too.

It’s the second half of the verse that was a huge blessing to me, however. This verse is easy to skim over and not really notice. The word “root” stuck out to me. I don’t usually think of bearing fruit in relation to the ROOT of the plant. But then again I have planted potatoes before, so the fruit can definitely be found underground!

The thing that touches me is that when you look at a plant that has its fruit out of sight, you typically don’t recognize anything worthwhile happening for a long time. Sure, there’s a green sprout followed by a growing stem and leaves. Eventually, along comes a few flowers. But nothing worthy of harvesting is seen.

Until the very end.

What a comfort! Even though I can be growing, look healthy on the outside, and keep being faithful where I’m planted, it could be that my fruit will not be seen until the very end of my life cycle. But then there will be a harvest! As a missionary in Japan, many times we work, we plow, we plant, water, weed, and spray….but it looks to us as if nothing is happening. Then, voila! The harvest time comes, and instead of the little we planted, we reap a bountiful multiplication of return.

Let’s keep being faithful to what God has called us, believing that one day we will see a harvest for His glory!

“Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 ESV)

What is “Susan’s Armchair”?

Hello, and welcome to a window into my spiritual world!

My husband (who is also my pastor) continually urges his listeners to pass on what God teaches us. When I read the Bible, I don’t merely read it for myself — for my own benefit, though it does benefit me. I also should read it, keeping in mind how I can share it with whoever crosses my path that day or week.

So, as God brings truths and applications to my thoughts and study, I hope to post them in this space in hopes that you can be encouraged, challenged, and blessed along with me. I welcome any comments. Most likely, you will see a passage in a different light than I do. That’s the beauty of the Body of Christ. We each bring something to the table.

Let’s study God’s Word!
