No Boast

Reading through Ephesians 2 this week, this phrase caught my attention: “not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (2:9 ESV).

God made our relationship with Him, our salvation, rest on HIS work alone. We didn’t do anything except accept it. Like other places in the New Testament, we learn that our lives after salvation continue this concept.

Galatians 3:3 asks: “Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?” Anything good that I am involved in as a Christian is also set up in such a way that I cannot boast. Paul talks about how Christians compare or judge each other (1 Corinthians 4:6-7). He says he doesn’t want the believers in Corinth to “be puffed up in favor of one against another . . . What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?”

This convicts me at this point in my life — as I search for something to validate who I’ve been all these years. What do I have to show for my life? I want to be proud of my accomplishments! I want to make a name for myself (though I don’t like to say it exactly like that!). This desire is not from God! Yet it colors how I spend my time, what my priorities are, and what I value.

Please, Lord, help me be satisfied in walking with You day by day. Let me leave my “praise” in Your hands, not seeking to please myself and others. Let me make You happy and bring honor to YOU. You alone are worthy. Forgive me for taking credit for Your doing. Forgive me for seeking approval and accolades from other sources than from You. Amen.


On July 18, Cameron was baptized! Norman created a simple baptismal to be set outside of the church building we’re using on Sunday nights. We rejoice to see Cameron take this important step in his spiritual journey toward Christlikeness. Please keep him in your prayers as he follows Christ day to day.

The Matter of Fruit

This year’s peach harvest

It’s great fun to be able to see fruit from your labor. We planted a peach tree about 5 years ago, and we are finally getting a taste of a reward.

Spiritual fruit can be longer in coming. I was thinking of the ministry here in Japan, and it seems that God brings certain individuals into our church group, one at a time. We pour into one lady for several months; then God brings one man who is interested in learning more about how to live for the Lord. We are learning the value of ONE. How worthwhile is it to reach just one person? Sometimes we wonder. Yet if you were the one to benefit, I think you’d agree that even one person counts!

Right now, we have a faithful lady who just began attending our Sunday morning Bible study. She listens closely to our study on Our Identity in Christ. She has questions, and her junior high son has some, too. There’s also a man who attends Norman’s discipleship group on Saturday mornings. He desires to grow in his faith and practice, and has been taking steps to lead his family toward Christ. We’ve seen growth in our son, Cameron, too. He has been meeting weekly with a friend, studying the Bible together. Cameron told us last week that he wants to be baptized. We are thrilled with what God is doing!

Galatians 6:9 encourages us “not to grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Perhaps, in our lifetime, we will never know what our harvest will look like. But God is keeping the record! Let’s keep on being obedient, doing good as we find opportunity, and loving God with all our hearts!

Where is God?

Some people search for God in nature. Others visit a shrine or temple or church building. Others look within themselves. But, according to God’s Word, when we accept Jesus, God’s only Son, as our Savior from sin, we become His child. He gives us His very own Spirit to live within us. Where is God? As a born again child of God, He lives within us! We don’t have to go someplace to find Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5).

Having Jesus as my Savior is a wonderful truth that radically changed my life. But recently I realized that I also need my Savior every day! Yes, I need Him to make my relationship with God the Father whole again. I need His forgiveness and righteousness. But that’s not all I need! That’s not all He offers.

I need a Savior when I’m frustrated with someone. I need a Savior when I’m hot, sticky, and irritable. I need a Savior when my day looks overwhelming and not fun. I need a Savior to guard my heart from sin, temptation, and accepting the world’s solutions. I need a Savior to give me peace, moment-by-moment grace, hope, purpose, and mercy. I need His wisdom, direction, solutions, and power.

Why do I need Him? If I want to become more like Christ, I cannot live in the way that comes naturally to me. I must live super-naturally, according to His path and purposes. For His glory, not mine. To be holy, not necessarily happy.

Let’s look to Jesus as our Savior every day!

(idea credit: How People Change, by Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp)

Thoughts on Discipleship

Discipleship is such a broad topic. It involves a wide array of factors, methods, and studies. Yet, practically, I am learning little by little how to disciple others. A lot of it involves how I think about people, how I approach them, what I expect from our relationship. It’s not as simple as it might seem!

For instance, I’m learning that there’s a fine line between my responsibility to be involved in someone’s spiritual journey and that person’s own responsibility to follow Christ herself. I suppose it’s similar to Galatians 6 where it says we are to bear one another’s burdens, but each should bear his own load. As a disciple-maker, I need to be aware of the spiritual needs around me — not only the needs of those who are lost, but also of those anywhere on the journey to Christlikeness. I’ve noticed recently in my attempt at learning how to do this, that I’ve allowed myself to focus too much on the needs of people and have taken my eyes off Christ Himself. I grow frustrated or discouraged when the people I try to help, continue to make poor choices, don’t respond, or don’t change as quickly as I wish.

Norman has been my discipler for many years now. I’m so grateful for him as he talks me through my misunderstandings of what God expects and how to view ministry and discipling others. One thing we talked of this week is how we cannot change anyone. That is God’s work. It’s not my job to change anyone! God hasn’t given me that authority. He is in control of the spiritual growth of each Christian. He is perfectly capable of changing each one to become more like Jesus day by day. He invites me to be a tool He can use in some people’s lives, but I’m not the key figure in the scenario. Christ is the key! It’s rather freeing to realize this! I can’t mess up God’s work! No one can thwart what He’s doing! (Psalm 33:8-11)

I haven’t arrived yet as a disciple-maker, but I desire to be a useful tool in the hand of God.

Lord, keep my eyes on You as I reach out to others. I don’t have all the answers, but You ARE the answer to every question! Help me point others to You. You’ve reminded me lately how You are not only my Savior from sin, but You’re also my Savior every day. I need Your rescuing moment by moment in order to be free from the clutches of sin, selfishness, and worldly desires. Change me, please! In Jesus’ powerful name, Amen!

Spring Happenings

Golden Week concert

In early May, our coffee shop in Minami Aso hosted a concert featuring piano, contrabass, and narration. Over twenty people attended. This was a great way to bring new people into the building and allow us to meet. It was a beautiful concert, too!

The Olympic torch ran by!

Though people are unsure whether the Olympics will actually take place this year in Tokyo, the Olympic torch made its way through Kikuchi in May. Melodie and I accidentally came upon it and stopped for a historic moment. Our dog Fritz enjoyed the hubbub, too!

Ibusuki, Japan

Coronavirus outbreaks make planning anything difficult. Our ABWE annual ladies’ retreat is usually scheduled for April, but last year we met in October. This year, with different people’s schedules and other concerns, we met in May… right as rainy season began! However, there were several times when the rain stopped enough to ride bikes, walk the beach, and cross this semi-permanent land bridge/sand bar to this island. Some of the ladies even climbed to the top of the island… in flip flops! Kudos to them!

My favorite part of ladies’ retreat is always the spiritual sharing we have together. This year we each prepared ahead of time, reading Romans 12 separately. Then together we discussed how to live out what is written within it. I came away with a sense that I really want to change to be more like Jesus!

Extra visitors to ladies’ retreat this year

Homeschool is going to the dogs!

Homeschool is winding down for the year. Melodie is finishing ninth grade, and Cameron eleventh. The McVickers’ dog is on Melodie’s lap as she studies, as Fritz looks on. We are grateful to finish up another year together, studying US government, algebra/geometry, literature, English grammar and composition, and science. Melodie is also studying Japanese, photography, and drawing. Cameron is working on learning to play drums and the dobro (a lap guitar).

Thoughts on Anxiety

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7

More and more in today’s world, we hear these terms —  anxiety, stress, panic attacks, overwhelmed, pressure, tension, fear, struggling, nervous, uneasy, falling apart.

As a born-again believer, these words do not have to describe you. We have a free pass to unbelievable peace from God! Why would we ever entertain such health-breaking thoughts? Of course, we are fallen humans, prone to try to fix things on our own. We are also forgetful. We allow the voice of fear to penetrate our calm. Ever since Covid-19 hit, a flurry of panicked (and many times, fake) news articles, opinions, and voices have sought entrance into our minds and hearts, attacking our faith, our theology, and even our good sense.

One night, struggling to shut my brain down in order to sleep, I realized that my thoughts were unproductive and leading me toward the path of unrest and fear. These two verses from Philippians came to mind, and I focused on them phrase by phrase. Four wonderful, life-changing truths emerged from my meditation.


That’s a command! If God commands something, He expects that we obey it. That means it’s not impossible to tell yourself, “Quit thinking about this!” Consider what is causing you to feel anxious. Then view it in light of God being present and available to help you. Sometimes, pinpointing the cause of your anxiety can lead you to making a few, simple decisions to remove the entire cause of your fear. For instance, sometimes it’s a health concern that causes me worry. When I realize how much it is obviously bothering me, I can decide to go have it checked out at the doctor’s office. Once I do that and face whatever is wrong, that matter can no longer affect me the same way.


No matter what you’re facing, you CAN find things for which to be thankful! It’s amazing! However, if you don’t make a point of searching for those things, you can easily miss them. Being thankful puts your heart in a better position to view life the way God sees it. Are you having a difficulty in a relationship? How can you thank God for the other person? If nothing else, our trials cause us to turn to God. We can be grateful for that!


Sounds simple, right? But I have noticed that when my mind is whirling with fear and angst, many times my prayers are just complaints or observations, not requests. When I am forced to voice an actual request, it helps me pin down the problem. It cuts out the mushy mumblings and moanings, and boils it down to this: What do I really want God to do in this situation? When God answers my requests (though not always as I envisioned!), I can understand that it was Him who did it. That’s one more cause to thank Him.


When my heart is full of anxiety, concern, worry, and stress, it has no room for God’s peace. But it’s my choice! I can boot out these unwelcome thoughts and accept God’s counter-intuitive peace. How can a person have peace in the midst of upheaval? Is that possible? Why do we assume that bad news, a sudden death, or a huge change of plans require me to fall apart? If you know Jesus as your personal Savior, you can always turn immediately to Him for strength and peace. Christ in you shines so much more brilliantly when you have peace during a time of real difficulty.

Memorize these two verses from Philippians if you haven’t already. Then you can draw from them the next time life’s curveball hits you! Amidst all the turmoil of today’s fear and anxiety, you will stand out like the light Jesus wants you to be. You’ll be much happier, too! And a whole lot less stressed.

New Beginnings

March 2021

In December, Chloe and Cameron passed their test to become brown belts in shinkyokushin karate. It was quite the ordeal! Lots of fundamental moves, 50 jumping squats, 50 pushups, special endurance forms, stretch test, and belt-level kata (forms). After all that, they each had to spar three sparring partners! Full contact (with hand/shin padded protectors and optional helmets)!

Now that they’ve reached this level, they are expected to attend the four belt tests offered each year to assist with the different activities that take place. Chloe was more nervous about this new role than taking the actual test herself! But they did fine.

Little by little, the kids are getting to know their group members. They are also growing in their ability to communicate with them in Japanese. I’m so happy to see them trying to speak! Having karate in common makes it a little easier.

As a side note, our kids are learning very specific Japanese terminology that “normal”, everyday Japanese don’t even know! Most are body parts, like the name for the solar plexus, as well as, the space between your nose and upper lip (it has a name!), and the outside edge of your foot!

Our newest church “member”

Meet Marty and Chika’s newest little one! Coronavirus concerns kept her from attending for a while, but we finally got to meet and hold this little beauty!

A Time to Live, A Time to Die

In late January, Jarrod, a friend of ours, died suddenly. In his mid-40’s, Jarrod left this world behind to come face to face with his Savior. His Japanese wife and three sons are likely still reeling. Please pray for Jarrod’s family.

For us, this was a new experience. Jarrod had made it clear to his wife that he wanted a Christian funeral, as opposed to the Buddhist ones typical of Japan. She called us from the hospital asking how to proceed. Norman had never led a funeral before, so he was out of his element. We also learned that in Japan, funerals are typically held within 24 hours of the person’s death. Chloe and I scrambled to put together special music, and Norman gathered his thoughts on how to address a mostly unbelieving audience. Several members of our church group attended, since Jarrod and his wife occasionally joined our Bible studies. Most likely, it was the first time in that funeral home, that the name of Jesus Christ was named, that the hope of the gospel was mentioned.

As always, funerals remind the rest of us about the purpose of life. Why am I still living? How should I spend my remaining time? What is important in life? Am I ready to die?


I Elect Hope

I don’t know about you, but hearing news of the United States presidential election can drag me down and fill me with despair. I see the sides people take, the unkind verbiage thrown back and forth, and the way the country I love seems to be heading in an ungodly way.

But several Bible passages have lifted me up recently.

First, I’ve been reading through the books of history in the Old Testament. Second Samuel 15 describes the time King David’s son Absalom decided he would be king. He craftily manipulated popular opinion, made broad promises about making people’s lives better, and cozied up to the crowd. He planned a huge celebration for his coronation, inviting crowds of people without telling them his intent. When David was told of this treasonous act, he simply ran the other way, weeping. He did pray and make some efforts to counteract Absalom’s administration, but it was God who put an end to Absalom’s reign. God directed through conflicting advice given to Absalom. In fact, He used a forest to defeat the enemy army!

From this account, I understand that God is fully capable of taking down any ruler that grabs the reins for himself. If God doesn’t want a person in power, He can and will remove him if that best serves His purposes. It reminds me of Proverbs 21:30-31: “No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the LORD. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.”

Secondly, the Bible is clear that God uses even ungodly rulers to perform His purposes. Look at Pharaoh during the time of Moses. God also used the Assyrians and Chaldeans to discipline His chosen people. In Proverbs 21:1, we read, “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will.” Not only can God remove the leader He doesn’t want, God can also use any and every leader to fulfill the purpose He has for them.

Even if I don’t look forward to certain leaders coming into power, I can rest assured that God has set limits for them. He will allow them to be in power as it suits His plan.

When I remember these two concepts, when I focus on the power of God, when I recognize that nothing is too difficult for our all-powerful God, my heart knows a sense of peace like nothing else can bring. Will the world continue to get worse? Yes. God has already promised us this. Will the USA continue to be a world power forever? Not sure. God hasn’t promised that!

But what can I do? I can pray for my leaders, I can pray for Christians to keep making disciples and sharing the gospel, and I can focus on what God is doing in the world – not demanding what I prefer to happen.

God is in control! Nothing slips past His notice. No one is outside of His control. He has a master plan, and I can trust that He knows what He’s doing!

        “Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations. . . . Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.” – Psalm 33:8-11, 20-22)