About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

Letter from Keiko

Konnnichiwa! Hello. My name is Keiko Sesaki. I’m a Japanese Christian. I live close to the Smith family’s house in Japan.

Thank you for supporting the Smith family and other missionaries. It’s because of people like you that I’m a Christian. I am the result of your support.

This is the story of How I heard the Good news. One missionary family came to Japan about 50 years ago. The missionary told the Gospel to the Japanese people. Mr. & Mrs. Kishimoto were saved. God led him to become a pastor. God led him to Nagashima. Nagashima is my hometown. He started a church in my hometown. My mom and my dad heard the Gospel. My mom and my dad were saved and then got married. Then I was born! I grew up with Christian parents. I was saved when I was in high school. I’m so thankful you and your church support missionaries.

I have a prayer request. Matthew 9:37-38 talks about new workers. Japan needs many more workers. I’m praying almost every morning for God to send more workers to Japan and other countries. Please pray with me that God would send more workers in to the world and to Japan. If you know someone interested in foreign missions, please tell that person about Japan.

I asked you to pray for new workers. So if you have a prayer request, I want to pray for you. Please let me know!

Thank you! God bless you.


Psalm 113

My mom has a neighbor who is difficult to be around. Why? Because 95% of the words coming out of her mouth have a decidedly negative spin on them. Her daughters-in-law are hateful; her children never come to visit; she has nothing to live for, and on and on it goes. After a few hours of that, it makes her listener feel as negative and down as she is!

As we read through Psalm 113, we see the psalmist’s focus on praise to the Lord, the unique God of the universe. It convicted me of my own tendency to point out the negative aspects of my situation. Why do I focus on what I don’t like about something? Why not focus on what’s positive and wonderful? This is a part of my personality that I may always struggle with. But with God’s help, and a right focus, I believe I can improve my outlook on people and circumstances.

Today as we speak to others (or to ourselves in our thoughts), let’s center our words on the Lord. With God, there is always hope. There is always reason to praise and be grateful. No matter what the situation, God brings light into the equation.

“Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD! Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised!” (Psalm 113:1-3 ESV).

Time to Move On

Our time in Iowa is coming to a close. We have greatly enjoyed our stay at the parsonage beside the First Baptist Church here in Waverly. The church family (whom we met only after moving in) has been so gracious and kind. They have been a huge blessing.

After this coming Sunday, we will be driving down to Norman’s family in Alabama, visiting one last church before flying home to Japan on March 28-29.Norman is the packer-extraordinaire. He has been packing up boxes to mail to Japan of stuff we have bought here and can’t buy in Japan. We’ve already shipped a few boxes. So much stuff!

One of the joys of furlough is discovering good Christian books. Norman is reading Gaining by Losing, Disciplines of the Godly Man, among others. I have been reading Running Scared, and True Womanhood 101. There’s some good stuff out there! Another blessing of furlough is experiencing vibrant, thriving churches here. To know people are loving and serving God in our old homeland is encouraging. We’re all on the same team with the same goal! Let’s keep up the good work. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Proverbs 12:12

Proverbs 12:12 says, “Whoever is wicked covets the spoil of evildoers, but the root of the righteous bears fruit.” (ESV)

My first thought upon reading this verse was in regards to the first half. I have known people who have coveted the wealth of others, no matter how it was obtained. If I’m being honest, I have done that, too.

It’s the second half of the verse that was a huge blessing to me, however. This verse is easy to skim over and not really notice. The word “root” stuck out to me. I don’t usually think of bearing fruit in relation to the ROOT of the plant. But then again I have planted potatoes before, so the fruit can definitely be found underground!

The thing that touches me is that when you look at a plant that has its fruit out of sight, you typically don’t recognize anything worthwhile happening for a long time. Sure, there’s a green sprout followed by a growing stem and leaves. Eventually, along comes a few flowers. But nothing worthy of harvesting is seen.

Until the very end.

What a comfort! Even though I can be growing, look healthy on the outside, and keep being faithful where I’m planted, it could be that my fruit will not be seen until the very end of my life cycle. But then there will be a harvest! As a missionary in Japan, many times we work, we plow, we plant, water, weed, and spray….but it looks to us as if nothing is happening. Then, voila! The harvest time comes, and instead of the little we planted, we reap a bountiful multiplication of return.

Let’s keep being faithful to what God has called us, believing that one day we will see a harvest for His glory!

“Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 ESV)

What is “Susan’s Armchair”?

Hello, and welcome to a window into my spiritual world!

My husband (who is also my pastor) continually urges his listeners to pass on what God teaches us. When I read the Bible, I don’t merely read it for myself — for my own benefit, though it does benefit me. I also should read it, keeping in mind how I can share it with whoever crosses my path that day or week.

So, as God brings truths and applications to my thoughts and study, I hope to post them in this space in hopes that you can be encouraged, challenged, and blessed along with me. I welcome any comments. Most likely, you will see a passage in a different light than I do. That’s the beauty of the Body of Christ. We each bring something to the table.

Let’s study God’s Word!


Mid-Furlough Update

What is it like to be a family on furlough in February? 🙂 Let me give you a glimpse of what our lives are like now.

** Tuesday through Friday, we maintain homeschool hours, roughly 8 a.m. until lunch. Time after that may be used to visit the library, get groceries, go to the laundromat twice a week, and enjoy “date” time one-on-one with people in our household.

** On Saturdays, we pack up what we need for the weekend. We may stay one night or two, depending on service times, distance from our home in Waverly, IA, and schedules.

** Sundays involve participating in 1-3 services at any given supporting church. Norman has taught adult Sunday school, preached in the morning service and then again in a later service. Other times, we may have just one service. Our family has provided special music most weeks, with Chloe on the banjo and Cameron on the ukulele. I do piano solos on occasion.

** Mondays are our recovery day. We usually feel like we’ve been run over by a semi by this time, so even if we make it home on Sunday night, we still take a break on Mondays from school.

As a side note, Melodie and Norman have been digging into photography, learning new tricks of the trade, trying out new techniques, and taking lots of shots of snow, Canada geese, ducks, and squirrels. They even captured photos of bald eagles!

Cameron has been teaching his grandma new chords on the ukulele. (They both play.) He’s also filling his sketch pad with drawings. Chess is a learning process now, too.

Chloe has been writing more stories. Finishing the first draft of her first novella recently has inspired her to keep on writing!

Norman’s new book, What Do I Do Now? A Process for Making God-Honoring Decisions, has just been completed, and our first copy arrived this week. (You can buy it on Amazon!)

That’s our typical week in a nutshell! We get to visit lots of thriving churches across the Midwest, making new friends and becoming reacquainted with old ones. It’s an adventure!

January in the States

January has provided our family with the rare feeling of frozen noses, the unique crunch of snow colder than zero degrees Fahrenheit, and the delicious warmth of central heating! We have also had the fun of shoveling snow several times, though we’ve learned sometimes a broom works better than a shovel. Melodie enjoyed wearing snow pants and sledding.

It’s great to be back in the United States of America. I’m not sure Norman would agree with that statement, but, for me, it’s true. I enjoy being here, and I enjoy being in Japan. They are just totally different! I have truly enjoyed being able to spend extra time with my mom as she adjusts to life without her husband after 51 (and three quarters) years. (My dad was an accountant and had us kids qualify how old we were: “I’m 10 and 3/4 years old.”) Please continue to pray for my mom (Eileen Strutz) as she makes many decisions in coming months. She is a strong Christian who understands God’s plan and His wisdom, so accepting this death is easier for her than for those without this understanding. However, the day-to-day reality can be difficult at times, and it seems like every appliance in the house has decided to break down! (The plumber is here replacing the leaky water heater as I write.)

Norman and the kids spent two and a half weeks in Alabama before and over Christmas, in order to see his family and to visit a couple supporting churches there. We were reunited shortly after Christmas, and there was much rejoicing! We’ve visited two other supporting churches since they’ve been back, and we are always blessed to see thriving groups of local believers, practicing what they preach and living for the Lord.

We plan to relocate to Waverly, IA, around January 23, using a mission house as our new base from which to travel. My mother will be joining us on the adventure, and we look forward to making new memories with her.

Furlough 2017-2018

Here is the Smiths’ furlough schedule as it stands now. We will use some Wednesdays as well to visit churches, but these are the Sundays scheduled.

12/17   Argonia Church, AL

12/24   Phillips Chapel, Northport, AL

12/31   Faith Baptist, Adams, WI

1/7      First Baptist, Kiel, WI

1/14    First Baptist, Hartland, WI

1/21    Ladysmith Baptist, Ladysmith, WI

1/28    Blaine Baptist, Blaine, MN

2/4      Calvary Baptist, Chatfield, MN

2/11     First Baptist, Yarmouth, IA

2/18    Walnut Park Baptist, Muscatine, IA

2/25    Grace Baptist, Emmetsburg, IA

3/4       Faith Baptist, Carroll, IA

3/11     Faith Baptist, Iowa City, IA

3/18     Hagerman Baptist, Waterloo, IA

3/25     Green Pond Baptist, Green Pond, AL

CONTACT INFORMATION: norman at smithlife.net (substitute the word “at” with the @ symbol)

Back in the USA

Praise God, our entire family was able to find plane tickets to the USA a few weeks ahead of schedule. Our furlough was set to start on December 13, but God had other plans. My father unexpectedly went to heaven on November 27, so we pushed up the pace and left Japan on November 29 instead. We were able to be with my family, attend the visitation and the funeral, and be here for my mom. Please keep my family in your prayers, especially my mom as she figures out all the details involved with this adjustment.

On a lighter note, my father was a believer, so we know we’ll see him again one day! He wrote a poem, which we handed out at his funeral. (See below.) We’re praying to see fruit from the legacy he left behind. He knew so many people! He loved jokes and puns, and I thought of a good one! He arrived at the church in a hearse, and then they took him to the cemetery in it, too. I told his pastor that my dad was having a “rehearsal.” I thought my dad would like that one!

With my dad suddenly “missing” in our lives, I have been thinking more about life and what God expects from me. I’ve come to the realization that my father’s course is finished. His race is run. But for those of us still living, our course is yet to be completed! We still have today to live for God’s glory, fulfilling the purpose He has for each one of us. This has been a good reminder to me to make the best use of the time I have left on this earth. Our times are in His hands!

“My Song”

by Allen P. Strutz

(May 8, 1943 – November 27, 2017)

A sinner, a sinner, a lowly lonely sinner, That’s what I used to be.

I pondered, I wandered, I walked around forever, Not knowing what there was meant for me.

Until I met this man of wisdom and age, Who talked with discernment and courage.

I listened, I listened, wanting to hear some more Of the gospel which I never had heard before.

The Bible, the Bible, God’s book of Holy Word, He opened and showed to me the way.

He showed me, he taught me, of Jesus Christ our Lord, His love and compassion to obey.

Who came down to die on the cross for me, yes me, To shed His blood to set me free.

I accepted, I asked Him, to come into my heart and save me, In my life He will always be.

A believer, a believer, a happy uplifted believer, That’s what I now can be named.

I’ll follow, I’ll follow, I’ll follow Him forever, Knowing now that I am forever saved.

To do what that man of age did for me, Showing others the truth and the way.

A servant, a servant, one of God’s I’ll be, Until the day He calls for me.

Shinto Tree Cutting

There’s a huge tree on our property at home that has grown quite tall. Its limbs have broken from time to time, and it needed a trim. So we asked a tree-cutting company to take care of it for us. Two men came with a crane. Our whole family was interested to see how they would go about cutting some of the tree’s crown away while leaving other parts of it intact. We waited and waited, but they weren’t starting.

Soon a third man came, and a small ceremony took place outside our window. All three men squatted down in a semi-circle around the base of the tree, placing their hands together in a praying position. They sat there like that for several minutes. Then one man took a large bottle of rice wine and sprinkled it around the tree. Another man took a handful of salt and scattered it on the opposite side of the tree.

Foreigners that we are, we can speculate what they were doing. The Shinto religion elevates nature as objects with feelings, abilities, and perhaps spirits. I believe these men were apologizing for the fact that they were about to cut off some of this tree’s limbs. Also, they were probably thanking the tree for the shade it had offered up until that time.

It’s sad for us Christians to watch this, especially since most Japanese don’t really believe there’s anything to religion of any kind. The government wants to declare that Shintoism shouldn’t be considered a religion but a national tradition. But many workers refuse to start work unless these special rites are completed. Superstition plays a part in Japanese people’s day-to-day lives. Please pray that Japanese people would worship the Creator of the trees.