About Susan

Norman and Susan started ministry in Japan in 2003. They have three children on earth and one in heaven. The Smiths desire is to see a strong, reproducing Japanese Baptist church in Kumamoto. In 2023, they returned to the States to care for Susan's mom.

Family Update

Our whole family was able to be together over Christmas this past year. It was wonderful to be able to hang out together. In coming months and years, this will be increasingly more difficult, but we were thankful to have this time.

Cameron has left the nest in order to begin his adulting, which isn’t always so fun. He has begun his semester of EMT training in Iowa. Please keep him in your prayers as he manages school work, his part-time job, and preparing for a medical missions trip to Papua New Guinea this summer. He has had some car problems, too.

Norman continues to keep busy, whether it’s to keep the sidewalks clear of the dumping of snow we got in January or keeping our older cars in running order. He has been sharing his vision for disciple-making with the Council of Six of the WARBC (Wisconsin Association of Regular Baptist Churches). We are praying for God to do more than we can ask or imagine! There is so much work to be done to reach the lost and disciple the believers to do the work of the ministry.

As for me, I continue to take Mom to doctor appointments, keep up with the housework and meals, spend time with our last child at home, and serve in our local church. I also try to encourage our college kids to hang in there and go in faith in the Lord. Prayer has been more on my agenda since the kids are “on their own”!

Caregiving Motives

I started my own journey as a caregiver in March of this year. As I continue to read through the Bible since then, I am bombarded by so many verses, thoughts, challenges, instructions, and encouragements for those of us walking this path. Please allow me to share with you what God pointed out to me today.

The apostle Paul addressed the Thessalonian Christians in his first letter to them (1 Thessalonians 1:1-3). He mentions their work and labor for the Lord, describing it vividly in verse 3. I want to compare how these early Christians served the Lord with how I want to serve Him today. Listen to verse 3:

(Paul says): “We recall . . . your work produced by faith, your labor motivated by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.” (CSB)

Work produced by faith

My ministry to my mom includes work! Has faith brought me here? Yes! God’s commands and character opened this ministry to me. Yet DUTY is a cold motive if it’s alone.

Labor motivated by love

But when LOVE enters the equation, it changes everything. (See 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.) This includes both love for God, first of all, as well as love for my mother.

Endurance inspired by hope

I love this last line! Having endurance and feeling inspired seem like opposites. Yet HOPE keeps me enduring this race God has given me. And what does my hope rest in? The fact that this is merely a “season” of my life? That heaven’s coming? Future rewards? Well, no, though those can bring a measure of hope. But my hope must be in my Lord Jesus Christ. What does that even mean? I’m not 100% sure! I have a feeling that I may just learn that on this journey. But I do know that looking at the example Jesus gave me of enduring the cross and looking ahead to the joy awaiting Him, definitely inspires me to keep on going one day at a time.

Maybe you’re not a caregiver today. But in whatever ministry or work or labor you are facing, I hope you can find encouragement from this verse, too. May we live in faith, love, and hope . . . for the right reasons, based on the right foundation, with the right Model to follow.

Five Keys to Happiness

from Psalm 84 (CSB)

There are five ways to be happy in this psalm! The life of a caregiver doesn’t lend itself to happiness, necessarily. It can be described in many less-than-desirable terms! But here we see God’s advice on how to be happy, no matter what.

1. “How happy are those who reside in your house.” (Ps. 84:4a)

Relishing in God’s nearness every day is possible for everyone! In the time of the psalm-writer, “God’s house” was probably the Temple, the place where God’s glory and “presence” was signified. But since the Messiah came, everything changed. Now God makes His dwelling inside His family of believers. My body is His Temple now! He is always with me. His Holy Spirit indwells me and never leaves me. Focusing on the truth of God’s ever-present nearness should bring me much joy and happiness. He sees what I’m facing today. He knows how I’m feeling. He understands my frustrations and challenges, as well as my sinful tendencies and responses. He is ready to forgive and cleanse me from my poor reactions whenever I confess my failings to Him.

2. “How happy are those who praise you continually.” (Ps. 84:4b)

This sounds so easy! Yet I am so ready to be negative and critical, to focus on all the challenges instead of my Savior’s beautiful face. My elderly parent is not like she used to be. She’s changed and is changing to be less capable than I remember. I need to learn to interact with her differently than I have for decades. Yet how my attitude changes when I focus on God and what He’s doing! There are so may things to be grateful for if I’ll only think on them. God brings little blessings every single day. If I’m not looking, I may miss them! An encouraging text from a friend, saying she’s praying for me; a Bible verse that lifts my focus to the Lord; a hug from an elderly woman with dementia; being able to encourage someone else; a bright sunny day; a beautiful snowfall; safety in a near-accident; a good health report; a reminder of all God has done to save me from my sins and restore a relationship with Him – there are so many reasons to praise God every day!

3. “Happy are the people whose strength is in you.” (Ps. 84:5a)

The longer I care for my elderly mother, the more I see how weak my own strength is! My capacity to endure has its limits, but God’s strength never ends. He may choose to give me the endurance to face life, or He may bring someone else alongside me to help out at just the right time. I can’t do it all on my own. I must be walking closely with the Lord every day, finding my strength in Him. Then I can happily serve others over and over again.

4. “Happy are the people whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” (Ps. 84:5b)

The life is not the end goal. I’m on a journey to eternal life! One day, all the troubles of this world will be over. My trials and suffering are temporary. What a blessing to remember! Whatever ailment, struggle, worry, or fear I have now, it will not bother me one iota in eternity! This verse reminds me of those faithful saints in Hebrews 11:13-16, who persevered, seeing the promised kingdom through eyes of faith. They realized they were “foreigners and temporary residents on the earth” (v. 13). Caring for an elderly person can seem like a life-long commitment. We don’t know when the end of that journey will come. But it won’t last for eternity!

5. “Happy is the person who trusts in you, LORD of Armies!” (Ps. 84:12)

So much in life comes down to trust. Who will I believe? Who can I truly depend on? If I rely on popular wisdom, I won’t be trusting in the Lord. He will always guide me in His right path, the path toward blessing, peace, and true joy. I want to put all my eggs in His basket, trusting that the outcome He promises will come to pass. When I trust in the Lord, I can release my fears and anxieties and simply rest in His care for me.

I don’t know where you are in your journey of faith or what you’re struggling with today. But God has made it possible for His children to be happy despite great odds. Let’s face this day with His promises from Psalm 84, happy in His presence, with hearts full of His praise, bolstered by His strength, remembering this life is short, and trusting in the LORD of Lords!

Twists & Turns

This picture doesn’t seem life-changing. But to my mother, it changed the next month of her life! (And then some!) Mom was doing something in the kitchen, turned to walk the other direction, and stumbled over this cat. She fell hard, broke her hip, and ended up having a partial hip replacement that same day! Three days in the hospital were followed by twenty days in a rehab facility. This all started on September 5th — the Beginning of The Fall.

Here’s the culprit! Cute as he is, he could no longer co-exist with my mom. My sister has taken “Big Cat” and his brother “Little Cat” home with her. The cat sustained no injury!

Melodie and Fritz went to visit Grandma at the rehab place. It was beautiful fall weather!

In other news, I (Susan) was able to get Chloe settled in to college. Her roommate is an MK (Missionary’s Kid) from Africa, so they have much in common.

We had a few things to do to prepare for Grandma to return home from rehab. Norman replaced the back porch steps, and Melodie helped sand and stain extra railings.

We finally have been able to use the office space we’ve rented in the building next door! Just in time for Cameron to begin his fall semester of college online. A pastor friend of Norman’s is coming this week to help build some walls to create a couple rooms, one of which will contain Norman’s office and recording studio (for podcasts).

We are amazed at God’s timing of events! Just three weeks after I finished my CNA class, Mom fell. I was instantly available to help out in a variety of ways with ease. It would have been much more stressful if I hadn’t been through that course! I was there in the room with Mom when she fell and could call the ambulance just minutes afterward. I was here in Wisconsin to visit her daily at the hospital and rehab center, not unavailable in Japan. When Mom came home, she had certain restrictions in place, including the one that required her to have assistance every time she walked anywhere. I had been trained to do this, and I could follow her around for five days. Home therapy began coming last week, and she was given the okay to walk without assistance (except with a walker). This was a huge relief for both of us!

I’m grateful to my other siblings who visited, gave me a break from time to time, covered Mom’s bill paying needs, and saw to other details. This is what family looks like!

Going through this experience has opened my eyes to the needs of other caregivers. Now I know how even a couple hours’ break to just get away, having Mom cared for in my absence, makes such a huge difference! There are many caregivers out there! They are all around us! I never paid them much attention, but now I’m part of that club. Let’s do what we can to support and encourage others on this journey!

Step by Step

Sometimes life seems to fly past. Then there are weeks that seem to inch by. The summer has flown past for us. It’s hard to believe the end of August is in sight. Melodie is living in disbelief that she may need to wear a hat to walk the dog on August mornings in Wisconsin! Unheard of in southern Japan! (I’m not complaining!)

Here are a few updates from the last month or two:

NORMAN has scheduled meetings with our supporting churches into October. He has a full calendar of events that makes my head spin. Somehow he still finds time to savor His Savior, exercise daily, and spend time with his wife!

SUSAN — I completed my CNA course today! I’m planning to set up a time to take the state certification test. I enjoyed working at the clinical site, a nursing home nearby. Meeting and helping the residents was the highlight for me.

CHLOE is in mid-tour now. She’s had concerts in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Kansas. She’ll be moving into a college dorm this month to begin her first experience of in-person college classes! Listen to her dad interview her on www.runwithhorses.net.

CAMERON came back from Bolivia with lots of stories and testimonies of God at work. You can listen to an interview with him on www.runwithhorses.net. Cameron will be returning to Wisconsin to complete another semester of online college this fall.

MELODIE has completed her initial 10 hour requirement of driving time in order to take Behind the Wheel training. Following that, she will need more hours of practice before she can obtain her driver’s license. She’s also been busy designing her dad’s new business cards, his podcast logo, and designs for book covers. She’s getting to know several young women at the church we attend.

My MOM has enjoyed a couple mini-vacations with my sister. My mom has been going to the pool pretty faithfully for exercise and social interaction. She can meet people anywhere she goes! She faithfully shares her faith, too. We are all still adjusting to living with each other, making small changes over time.

Thank you for praying for each of us! We are so encouraged to hear your stories of how you have cared for your parents and loved ones, and to hear of how you stayed the course. We are truly blessed. We want to finish our race well, too, for the glory of the Lord.

Our pastor just spoke on James 1:12: “Blessed is the man who endures temptation (or trials); for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (NKJV).

We desire to endure to the end, faithfully serving the Lord wherever He leads. We love Him because He first loved us! Praise the name of Jesus!


These are the days of many new Beginnings. Norman is beginning a new ministry to churches in the Midwest, as well as to (or with) area pastors. Susan has begun training to learn the skills of a nursing assistant. Chloe is beginning her first music tour. Cameron is beginning his first music tour (with Chloe!) and embarking on his first mission trip. Melodie is a beginner driver (just obtained her driver’s permit). So much change is occurring in our family this month! Wow!

Norman has had some refreshing times, meeting with pastor friends. His desire is to help each one grow in Christ, to welcome them to help him on his own journey of spiritual growth and development, and to be a mentor to the younger men.

I (Susan) am a college student again! Well, at least for one class! I was pretty freaked out over my first exam last week. Having to complete it at home on my computer added to my stress. But it turned out okay! What I’m learning in class is immediately helpful and very practical as I anticipate needing some of these skills in the future with my mom. Learning about older people also causes me to think about my own aging process! I’m learning that age is only a number. Until God calls us home, He has a purpose for us here. I want to embrace that no matter what my physical condition.

Susan in her scrubs for class
Susan in her scrubs for class

Chloe and Cameron have their first concert tonight (6/25/23) in Adams, WI. They have around ten concerts lined up so far. Chloe seems a little nervous about this new adventure, especially traveling across the country, driving on the right side of the road! (She learned to drive in Japan — on the left side.)

Cameron is slightly nervous, too. He found out he will not be meeting up with the rest of his missions trip group until the end of the flight schedule. He leaves for Bolivia on July 6th and will return the 15th. We are praying that God will use this medical missions trip to clarify some things for his future work and ministry. He plans to take EMT training next spring.

Melodie just completed an online training course relating to driver’s ed. We are planning to begin letting her drive around a parking lot this coming week! Look out, Wisconsites! Here she comes!

Our family is still waiting to settle into our new living space. We have rented a huge room next door to Mom’s to be able to spread out, enjoy our dogs, and have room for Norman’s office, a recording studio (for Norman’s podcasts, mainly), and a place for kids to study. The landlord tells us renovations are almost completed.

Perhaps you are facing new beginnings, too. May we all keep the faith in the midst of uncertain times when patience is needed. It’s such a comfort to know that God knows the end from the beginning! Nothing takes Him by surprise. Our job is simply to follow Him in faith, leaning on His wisdom, not our own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6). Step by step, He walks together with us on this journey called Life.

Still Settling In

Many people must be praying for the Smith family, because we’ve been seeing God’s blessings on every hand! God is so good to His children! The past couple weeks have been super busy! Norman has had numerous video calls with EveryEthne, his new ministry within ABWE. We are thankful to have this decision finalized! So much was up in the air, as we waited on God to show us next steps. Thankfully, nothing is ever “up in the air” with God. He knows the end from the beginning!

Eileen & Susan

My mom and I have been getting along famously! We have worked up a bit of a schedule to accomplish certain goals, including decluttering the house, exercising, working on writing projects, and serving others around us. I’m so grateful for this time to spend with my mother! She is still such a godly example to me!

Please continue to pray for our family in the coming weeks. Norman will be returning briefly to Japan to sell our house and return with our oldest two kids. We look forward to seeing them again! Thanks so much for your prayers on our behalf.

Melodie continues with homeschool subjects as she completes her junior year of high school. Grandma has been teaching her to swim. Melodie and Norman participated in a fundraising event for Camp Fairwood. They each biked 35 miles and brought in over $1,000 of donations!

Our summer plans include these: Susan hopes to begin CNA training in June. Norman has taken some additional training this spring, and he will attend a conference or two this summer. He will fly back to Japan in late May, finishing up last details there and accompanying Chloe and Cameron back to the States. Chloe has plans to tour the Midwest and Alabama, singing her original songs at churches and home concerts. If anyone is interested in having her come, please contact her at www.chloejanelle.com. Cameron will join her to provide accompaniment, except during early July when he takes a mission trip to Bolivia. Please keep these two in your prayers this summer!

Thank you for each of you who have been praying! We have been able to locate and purchase several used cars in anticipation of our children coming to the US for college and for our use. Norman’s new ministry role will include quite a bit of travel, so this is an important step.

A New Life

Easter provides a great opportunity to LOOK BACK. Our family attended a Good Friday service at First Baptist Church in Kiel, WI. We had never taken part in such an event, but it was a huge blessing! Remembering all that Jesus went through for me — Wow. He deserves all the praise, the glory, and the honor! He also deserves my whole attention, devotion, and my life. In this way, Easter also gives opportunity to LOOK FORWARD. How will I live today in light of all Jesus has done for me? May I walk worthy of His calling!

Let me give a brief update on our situation. First, thanks to each of you who continues to pray for our family. We are so grateful! We are still waiting to proceed to the next step with Norman’s pursuit of ministry within the States. He has applied to a new position (within ABWE), met online with the head of the division, and his references are being checked. We are waiting patiently for God’s leading in this area.

Our family is slowly settling into my mom’s house with her. We’ve been able to enjoy lots of snow (rare for us, coming from southern Japan!), and our dogs loved it, too! I’ve already been relieved to be here with Mom. She still strives to be independent, but I’ve been able to lend a helping hand here and there, filling in some needed gaps. God is so gracious to allow me to serve my mother in this way.

My family is also gracious to allow me to do this! Melodie has uprooted her life to join us here in this foreign country of the USA! Our diet has changed dramatically. Her activities have greatly changed, and she’s been split apart from her siblings who remain in Japan until this summer. Chloe and Cameron have also been affected, since they are now learning to “adult” without us nearby. They’ve had a few bumps along the way, but it’s probably been good for them! Norman, too, has had a huge life change! Going from Field Team Leader of ABWEJapan to spouse of a caretaker is quite the shift! But he’s had lots of opportunities to speak with various pastors and other men regarding discipleship and how to apply it in each of their locations. Some have responded eagerly, desiring to learn more.

One amazing praise we have is the blessing we received just this past week! Norman was on the search for office space. (Mom’s home is not conducive to a focused time of study, podcasting, or extending ongoing hospitality.) He was beginning to despair of ever finding anything, but God directed him to ask at the village town office if they knew of anything. The clerk gave him a short list of possibilities. Norman contacted the first one . . . located right next door! When asked how he’d use the 1,200 square foot space, Norman was pleased to find out that the owner not only is a Christian, but he is also supportive of what Norman’s doing! The room needs some remodeling, but we hope to be able to begin using it as early as this spring! God’s timing (and location) is perfect! Thank You, Lord!

We’ve heard good reports from Japan. Jonathan Jelliff, who had covered the work while we were on furlough, continues to prosper there. God raised up this disciple at just the right time!

The Trip Back

Checking in suitcases and two dogs

Though the house was still in disrepair and not emptied of our belongings, Norman, Melodie, and I (with Zulu and Fritz) left Kumamoto on February 28. The following day, we had a direct flight from Tokyo to Chicago, about 11 hours long.

In order to take dogs out of the one country and into another, there was much paperwork to complete, mostly to avoid transmitting rabies. Keiko worked diligently to research what was needed, sending in scanned forms, and allaying our concerns.

There were a few bumps along the way (though mostly all went smoothly). First, my shoes fell apart after the first flight! Crazy! Thankfully, I had packed an extra pair.

Secondly, we had an appointment in Tokyo to go through the quarantine area and get the dogs okayed to go. It was super windy that day (and not in Chicago!). All the dogs’ completed paperwork got blown all over the place. Three employees helped track down all but one of them. A fence helped, too!

So, now we’ve been back in the States about two weeks. We’re getting settled into our new residence, living with my mother in the house I grew up in. I’m already glad to be here, because we’ve had snowstorm after snowstorm, with pockets of ice scattered about. Being here to assist my mom sets my mind at ease on so many levels. We’d appreciate your prayers as each of us adjusts to the many changes.

We’re not the only ones moving. We had been trying to sell our home in Japan, since we’re not sure how long we’ll be stateside. The day before we left, a friend of a friend came to look at the property and was in desperate need to get out of their apartment by the end of March. They would need to move in within three weeks’ time! We had planned for Chloe & Cameron, and the new leader of the Kumamoto team to live on our property until June and November, respectively. Suddenly, each of them needed to get out! Keiko graciously lived up to her name (child of grace), and offered to let our kids move in with her until June. Jonathan is still searching for temporary housing and cleaning out our house in our absence. Crazy days!

We are so grateful for those who have been praying for us in this transition time. We still don’t have any concrete answers about our next step, though Norman is pursuing a related ministry within ABWE. Keep those prayers coming! And let us know how we can pray for you!

Snow is so beautiful!
God’s beauty in creation

Counting Down

Happy Valentine’s Day! Some people may count down to this holiday, but our family is counting down to another event… which is pretty major in our lives right now! If you receive our prayer letter, you already heard our big news — that we are planning to return to America for an indefinite amount of time in order to live with my mother in Wisconsin. She’s at the age where she could use some help, companionship, and extra care.

So, we are packing up our home, choosing what to take, what to toss, and what to give away. Not only our home, but also the coffee shop in Minami Aso. Coronavirus effected this work immensely, and we were unable to continue this outreach and ministry in this location. Today, Melodie, Norman, and I went to the building, filling bags with garbage, setting aside things that are still “good,” and waiting for the movers to transport the piano to its new home.

What will be Norman’s next step as we return to the States for the foreseeable future? He’s still figuring that out! There are several options that we’re considering. He plans to continue his call to being a disciple-maker regardless of his location. That hasn’t changed. The details are still to be arranged, and we’re confident that God knows what they are!

So, this Valentine’s Day means we have exactly two weeks left in Japan. Chloe and Cameron will stay in Japan until June, but Norman, Melodie, and I (with our two dogs!) will fly to America on March first, God willing.

We are thankful for the encouragement we have received from many of you, telling us of your own experiences with aging parents, how God has blessed, and how He has worked in and through that special time. We look forward to learning, growing, and loving more and more. Please keep us in your prayers during this big transition for our family. Thank you!